Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Move Elements Between Packages
If an element or Package is not in the most appropriate part of the model structure, you can move it to a different location in the Project Browser, either by:
· | Dragging and dropping the element to a target destination, or |
· | Cutting and pasting the element or Package |
If you move a Package, all the subordinate Packages and their contents are moved to the new location also.
Drag an element between Packages
Step |
Action |
See also |
1 |
Click on the element in the Project Browser. See Customer in the diagram below.
2 |
Drag the element so that the cursor is over the target Package icon. The element symbol (and, in some operating systems, the element name) displays at the moving cursor position.
3 |
Release the mouse button. The element is moved into the target Package.
Cut and Paste the Element
Step |
Action |
See also |
1 |
In the Project Browser, right-click on the element to be moved and select the Copy / Paste | Cut context menu option. The selected element is highlighted.
2 |
Right-click on the Package or element under which to move the cut element, and select the Copy / Paste | Paste context menu option. The cut element is listed as a child of the selected element or Package, in the Project Browser.
· | You can also drag the element under a host element in the new Package; for example, drag an element under a Class |
· | Moving an element has no effect on any relationships that the element might have |
· | Moving an element in the Project Browser has no effect on the use of that element in any diagram |
· | Moving a diagram generally does not affect the location of elements in Packages - if you move a diagram out of one Package into another, all the elements in the diagram remain in the original Package; however, certain elements (such as Decision, Initial and Final elements) are used only within one diagram, have no meaning outside that diagram, and are never re-used in any other diagram, therefore, if you move a diagram containing these elements they are moved to the new parent Package with the diagram |
· | In a multi-user environment, if one person moves or updates the Project Browser structure, other users must reload their project to see the latest changes in the Project Browser; although this is true of any addition or modification to the tree, it is most important when big changes are made, such as dragging a Package to a different location |
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