Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Refresh View of Shared Project
When a user of a shared model checks out a package and makes changes, other users can see those changes by refreshing their view of the package or the changed diagram within the package.
You can refresh your view of the Project Browser in the following ways:
- Right-click on the package name in the Project Browser and select the Contents | Reload Current Package context menu option
- Select the File | Reload Current Project menu option (or select the Reload Project icon in the Project toolbar, or press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F11])
- Close the project and reopen it.
You can refresh the current diagram in the following ways:
- Select the Window | Reload Current View menu option
- Right-click on the opened diagram tab in the diagram view, and select the Reload <diagram name> context menu option.
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