Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Package Version Control Menu

To display the Version Control menu, right-click on a version controlled package in the Project Browser and select the Package Control context menu option.

If the selected package is not under version control, this menu displays a number of different options - see the Controlled Package Menu topic.


Menu Option & Function Keys

Use to


Display the Package Control Options dialog which enables you to specify whether this package (and its children) is controlled, which file it is controlled through, and which version control configuration to use.

Manage Baselines

Create a Baseline of the current package, or compare the current package with a previous Baseline.

Check In Branch

For the selected branch of the model, (that is, the selected package and all of its child packages) display the Select Packages to Check In dialog, listing all version controlled packages within that branch that are checked out to you. You can then select packages in the displayed list, to be submitted for check-in.

Check Out Branch

For the selected package, check out the package and recursively check out all of its contained sub-packages.  Retrieves the latest version of the packages from the central repository, overwriting the current packages.  After check out, the packages are available for editing.

Check In

Submit the currently selected package to the central repository. Enterprise Architect prompts you to enter optional comments describing changes to the packages.

Check Out

Retrieve the latest version of the currently selected package from the central repository, overwriting the current packages. After check out the packages are available for editing.

Undo Check Out

Cancel all changes you have made to the currently selected package. This restores the model to the state it was in before the package was checked out, leaving the select package and sub-packages locked.

Get Latest

Retrieve the latest revision of the package from the repository. Available only for packages that are checked in.

Get All Latest

Retrieve the latest revision of all version controlled packages in the project. Only retrieves packages that are checked in.

Put Latest

Update the central repository with the currently selected package (which you have checked out), while retaining checkout status on the package. This is equivalent to checking a package in and immediately checking it back out again.

File Properties

Ask the version control provider to show the version control properties associated with the XML export file pertaining to the currently selected package. This also identifies who has checked out the package.

File History

Where the controlling package has been configured by an SCC provider, this provider shows a change history for the package. See your provider's documentation for details on how to use the control. Otherwise, if the version control is CVS, the history is shown via Enterprise Architect's internal CVS history menu.

Compare with version on disk

Compare the current package with the XMI version on disk.

Add Branch to Version Control

Apply version control to all packages within a selected model branch, in a single operation. In this context, a model branch is a package that is currently selected in the Project Browser, and all of the packages contained within it.

Export as Model Branch

Export a newly created model branch from your own private copy of a model.

Import a Model Branch

Retrieve a model branch and import it into either the source model or another model.

Get Package

Access packages in the version control repository that are not currently available in your model.

Re-synch Status With VC Provider

Update the version control status value recorded for the selected package in the Enterprise Architect project to match the value reported by the version control provider, without performing an XMI import or export.

Use this function when the package's version control status recorded in your Enterprise Architect project is out of synchrony with the version control status reported by your version control provider.

Version Control Settings

Display the Version Control Settings dialog.

Update Package Status

Provide a bulk update on the status of a package, including status options such as Proposed, Validate and Mandatory.


This option is a generic package option not specific to version control.