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Copy Image to Disk

It is possible to capture a modeling diagram as an image file on disk, for later use in - for example - external documents and presentations. You can capture the image in a number of different file formats, including:

·Windows bitmap (256 color bitmap)
·GIF image
·Windows Enhanced Metafile (standard metafile)
·Windows Placeable Metafile (older style metafile)
·PNG format

Access     Open diagram | Diagram | Save as Image (Ctrl+T)

Capture a diagram as an image file on disk



See also


On the Save As Image dialog, select the appropriate folder location for the file.




In the File name field, type the file name to save the image under.




In the Save as type field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate graphic format.




Click on the Save button.




·The system clips the image size to the smallest bounding rectangle that encompasses all diagram elements