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Pan and Zoom a Diagram

When you are viewing a diagram, you can pan across, up and down the whole diagram in a low magnification to locate a particular section, and then zoom into that section in a higher magnification.

Pan over diagram

You can pan over the Diagram View using the:

·!, ", #, $, Page Up, Page Down, Home and End keys when the Diagram View is selected
·Diagram scrollbars
·Middle mouse button
·Pan & Zoom window (Ctrl+Shift+N)

Zoom into and out of diagram

You can zoom into and out from the diagram using the:

·Diagram | Zoom menu options or
·Zoom buttons on the Diagram toolbar or Pan & Zoom window toolbar


Change the zoom level by clicking on either the Zoom In (+) or Zoom Out (-) buttons; each click changes the magnification by 10%. Alternatively, select the Zoom In or Zoom Out options from the Diagram | Zoom menu.

You can return the diagram to 100% in one of three ways:

·Click on the ZoomIcon (Zoom to 100%) button
·Select the Diagram | Zoom |  Zoom to 100% menu option
·Press Ctrl and click on the middle button of the mouse



·You can zoom in and out of the main window dynamically by holding Ctrl  and rolling the mouse wheel
·Changes in diagram magnification through the zoom options can be saved as permanent changes to the diagram
·At high levels of zoom, element features cease to display; this is because the Windows font mapper cannot easily select a font for extreme conditions, and the result can look odd


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