Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Copy (Duplicate) Diagram

As you develop the diagrams in your model, you might find that some of the diagrams use many of the same elements and have a similar format.  You can copy and replicate the complete diagrams for minor modification, resulting in a duplicate diagram with either:

·Links back to the original diagram elements, unless those elements are Text, Note, Hyperlink, Lifeline or Object elements that are specific to the diagram and that are copied (shallow mode) or
·Complete copies of all elements in the diagram, other than Packages (deep mode) or
·Complete copies of all elements in the diagram that have the same parent as the diagram, and links back to the original diagram elements for all other elements on the diagram (smart mode)


Access     Project Browser | right-click on diagram | Copy Diagram  then
Project Browser | right-click on Package | Paste Diagram or
Project Browser | right-click on element | Paste Diagram

Duplicate a diagram



See also


Type the name for the new diagram.



Type of copy

Click on the radio button for the type of copy you require; either:

·Deep, or



Click on this button to initiate the copy.

The new diagram is automatically created with linked or new elements arranged as in the original diagram.

All connectors are also copied between diagram elements where appropriate.




·In the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have Manage Diagrams permission to copy diagrams
·For a diagram copied in shallow mode, any changes to the properties of the original elements are reflected only in those elements that are copied as simple links in the pasted diagram
·For a diagram copied in deep mode, any changes to the properties of the original elements are not reflected in the elements in the pasted diagram
·For a diagram copied in deep mode, Package elements are copied as simple links only; you cannot paste as new
·For a diagram copied in smart mode, any changes to the properties of the original elements are reflected only in those elements that are copied as simple links in the pasted diagram
·Element position and size are independent in all copy modes

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