Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Ada 2005 Conventions
Enterprise Architect supports round trip engineering of Ada 2005, where the following conventions are used.
Stereotype |
Applies To |
Corresponds To |
adaPackage |
A Package specification in Ada 2005 without a tagged record. |
adaProcedure |
A procedure specification in Ada 2005. |
delegate |
Access to a subprogram. |
enumeration |
Inner Class
An enum type. |
struct |
Inner Class
A record definition. |
typedef |
Inner Class |
A type definition, subtype definition, access type definition, renaming.
Tagged Values
Tag |
Applies To |
Corresponds To |
Discriminant |
Inner Class with stereotype typedef |
The type's discriminant.
IsAccess |
Parameter |
Determination of whether the parameter is an access variable.
InstantiatedUnitType |
Inner Class with stereotype typedef |
The instantiated unit's type (Package / Procedure / Function).
PartType |
Inner Class with stereotype typedef |
The part type (renames or new).
Type |
Inner Class with stereotype typedef |
If Value = SubType, set subtype If Value = Access, set access type.
Other Conventions
· | Appropriate type of source files: Ada specification file, .ads |
· | Ada 2005 imports Packages defined as either <<adaPackage>>Class or Class, based on the settings in the Ada 2005 options |
· | A Package in the Ada specification file is imported as a Class if it contains a Tagged Record, the name of which is governed by the options Use Class Name for Tagged Record and Alternate Tagged Record Name; all attributes defined in that Tagged Record are absorbed as the Class's attributes |
· | A procedure / function in an Ada specification file is considered as the Class's member function if its first parameter satisfies the conditions specified in the options Ref Param Style, Ignore Reference parameter name and Ref parameter name |
· | The option Define Reference for Tagged Record, if enabled, creates a reference type for the Class, the name of which is determined by the option Reference Type Name; for example: |
package HelloWorld is
type HelloWorld is tagged record
Att1: Natural;
Att3: Integer;
end record;
-- Public Functions
function MyPublicFunction (P: HelloWorld) return String;
procedure MyPublicFunction (P1: in out HelloWorld; AFlag: Boolean);
-- Private Functions
function MyPrivateFunction (P: HelloWorld) return String;
procedure MyPrivateFunction (P1: in out HelloWorld; AFlag: Boolean);
end HelloWorld;
· | Ada 2005 support is available in the System Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect |
Learn more