Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Visual Basic Conventions
Enterprise Architect supports the round trip engineering of Visual Basic 5 and 6, where the following conventions are used.
Visual Basic .Net is supported as a different language.
Stereotype |
Applies To |
Corresponds To |
global |
The Global keyword. |
import |
An operation to be imported from another library. |
property get |
A property get. |
property set |
A property set. |
property let |
A property let. |
with events |
The WithEvents keyword. |
Tagged Values
Tag |
Applies To |
Corresponds To |
Alias |
Operation with stereotype import |
The alias for this imported operation.
attribute_name |
Operation with stereotype property get, property set or property let
The name of the variable behind this property. |
Lib |
Operation with stereotype import |
The library this import comes from.
New |
Attribute |
The New keyword.
Other Conventions
· | The value of in for the Kind property of a parameter corresponds to the ByVal keyword |
· | The value of inout or out for the Kind property of a parameter corresponds to the ByRef keyword |
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