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PHP Conventions

Enterprise Architect supports the round trip engineering of PHP 4 and 5, where the following conventions are used.



Applies To

Corresponds To

property get


A read property.


property set


A write property.


Tagged Values


Applies To

Corresponds To


Operation with stereotype property get or property set


The name of the variable behind this property.


Operations in PHP 5


The final keyword.

Common Conventions

·An unspecified type is modeled as var
·Methods returning a reference are generated by setting the Return Type to var*
·Reference parameters are generated from parameters with the parameter Kind set to inout or out

PHP 5 Conventions

·The final Class modifier corresponds to the Is Leaf property
·The abstract Class modifier corresponds to the Abstract property
·Parameter type hinting is supported by setting the Type of a parameter
·The value of inout or out for the Kind property of a parameter corresponds to a reference parameter

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