Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Hyperlink From Linked Document

Within a linked document, you can add hyperlinks to other objects (elements, packages, diagrams, attributes and operations) in the Enterprise Architect Project Browser.

To do this, click on the object in the Project Browser and drag it to the point at which to create the hyperlink. The linked document editor automatically creates the hyperlink, using the object name as the hyperlink text. You can edit this text if required.

Similarly, you can create a hyperlink to an element in the model by highlighting the link text in the linked document, right-clicking on it and selecting the Create | Link to Existing Element context menu option. This displays the Select Classifier dialog, from which you select the element to link to.

In either case, when you next open the document, you can double-click on the hyperlink to locate and highlight the object in the Project Browser. You can then perform all normal operations on the object, including opening any linked document on the highlighted element.

You can also create a hyperlink to a wide range of additional objects, such as web pages, Help files, Model Searches and Team Review Forums, by highlighting the appropriate text and then selecting the Create | New | Hyperlink context menu option. This displays the Hyperlink Details dialog.

For an alternative method of creating a hyperlink to an external document, Help file or web page, see the Hyperlinks and Bookmarks topic.