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XML Format (Search Data)

This example XML provides the format for the sSearchData parameter of the RunModelSearch method.

     <ReportViewData UID=\"MySearchID\">


          //The UID attribute enables XML type searches to persist column information. That is, if you run the search, group by column or adjust

          //column widths, then close the window and run the search again, the format/organization changes are retained. To avoid persisting column

          //arrangements, leave the attribute value blank or remove it altogether. Use this section to declare all possible fields - columns that appear

          //in Enterprise Architect's Search window - that are used below in <Rows/>. The order of the columns of information to be appended here must

          //match the order that the search run in Enterprise Architect would normally display. Furthermore, if you append results onto a custom SQL

          //Search, then the order used in your Custom SQL must match the order used here.



          <Field name=""/>

          <Field name=""/>

          <Field name=""/>

          <Field name=""/>




               <Field name="" value=""/>

               <Field name="" value=""/>

               <Field name="" value=""/>

               <Field name="" value=""/>



               <Field name="" value=""/>

               <Field name="" value=""/>

               <Field name="" value=""/>

               <Field name="" value=""/>



               <Field name="" value=""/>

               <Field name="" value=""/>

               <Field name="" value=""/>

               <Field name="" value=""/>




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