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Europe - Partners

Austria Austria

LieberLieber Software trainings

LieberLieber has fundamentally renewed and expanded its training offers. Choose from our wide range of offers or contact us directly so that we may find the right training for you. LieberLieber: Always the right training for your current requirements!

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Model Based Software/Systems Engineering

A model-based approach consists of three aspects: Modelling language, tool and methodology. The focus of our MBSE trainings is on different topics:

  • The basic training courses are dedicated to the theory of conceptual modelling and the modelling languages UML and SysML. The individual aspects of the languages are explained in a practical way by modelling in Enterprise Architect.
  • The training courses on methodological approaches cover all three aspects of MBSE.
  • In addition to a more in-depth knowledge of the modelling language SysML and its application in Enterprise Architect, there is the possibility of getting to know two different methods (SysML Light & SYSMOD) or even adapting them by yourself.
  • If you want to design your own modelling methodology with all MBSE aspects, we also offer a training course on "Reference Modelling" and "Basics for Creating a Modelling Methodology".
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C/C++ Code Generation

In this training you will learn how to optimally generate embedded code with Enterprise Architect and LieberLieber Embedded Engineer. The solution shown here combines automated source code generation with model-level debugging. It enables both C and C++ source code generation, covering the two most important programming languages in embedded development. In addition, the solution has a UML debugger and source code synchronisation, which is often requested in practice. Embedded Engineer was developed as part of the tool chain for the development of embedded systems, because only with an integrated solution the model-driven approaches in embedded software development can be used efficiently.

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More Information:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +43 662 90600 2017
Business Address:
A-1060 Vienna, Gumpendorfer Straße 19, Austria

Training offer, SparxSystems Central Europe


SparxSystems Central Europe offers sales, support, training, custom workshops and consulting for Enterprise Architect, Pro Cloud Server (PCS), WebEA and Prolaborate. In our European-focused trainings, we train the use of these tools as well as other 3rd party tools with different modelling languages and modelling approaches in German and English.

We offer online Enterprise Architect trainings from 1 person up to groups of maximum 10 participants. These online trainings are organised in 4-6 half-day sessions, depending on the desired content. In between the training sessions, participants practice what they have learned and thus collect questions for the next session. This helps to achieve the desired goals in minimum time. In our trainings, we use the "Compendium of Enterprise Architect", a reference book that we have compiled and constantly update - read more.

We are experts in the modelling languages UML, SysML and BPMN for the domains Software and Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Enterprise Architecture.

Benefit from the know-how and experience our trainers gain every day in training, support, consulting and development. You can find some of our customer references at:

Online training modules

Our training modules addresses the following user groups and topics:

User Groups:

  • Software Developers
  • Systems Engineers
  • Business Process Management
  • Enterprise Architect Managers
  • Project Managers


  • Model Bases Systems Engineering (MBSE) with SysML
    • Model Simulation
  • MBSE with SYSMOD and Enterprise Architect
  • Introduction into the NAFv4 ADMBw Modelling Language in Enterprise Architect
  • Model Bases Software Engineering with UML
    • Code generation and round trip engineering
    • XML schema modelling and generation and round trip engineering
  • Enterprise Architecture with TOGAF, ArchiMate, UML, etc.
  • Business Process Modelling with BPMN and DMN
    • Model Simulation
  • Model Bases Requirement Management
  • Data Modelling and DB Generation with UML, ER and physical Data Models
    • DB generation and round trip engineering
  • Training for Document generation with Enterprise Architect
  • Training for Enterprise Architec Tool administration
  • Training for Enterprise Architect Tool adaptation
  • Agile software architecture modeling with EA and C4
  • Coaching to develop the desired Modelling Approach
    • How to adapt EA to support the developed Modelling Approach
  • How to use ProLaborate and WebEA to communicate with non-modeller

Technical requirements: Fast internet connection, Enterprise Architect and a second screen. Zoom is preferred.

Please talk to SparxSystems Central Europe team today to know more, or
Email: [email protected]
Contact: +43 662 90 600 2041
Business Address: A-1060 Vienna, Gumpendorfer Straße 19, Austria
Content and dates are different
Country of Operation: Central Europe

Belgium Belgium


Bellekens IT was founded in 2004 by Geert Bellekens and has a strong focus on UML, modelling and analysis methodology. Geert Bellekens has helped several of the larger Belgian or Dutch organizations to define and document their modelling method, train and coach the modelers, and develop supporting tools.

Geert Bellekens is an acknowledged Enterprise Architect expert and has written numerous add-ins for Enterprise Architect. A number of these add-ins are free open source and can be found in the Bellekens EA Toolpack

He is also one of the founding members and a regular speaker on the EA User Group events.

VAR Services

  • Custom add-in development
    Enterprise Architect can easily be extended with your own custom tools.

  • Document Generation
    Generate professional tailored documents directly from Enterprise Architect.

  • Setup and deployment
    • Which Enterprise Architect configuration is best for us?
    • Should we use a central database or distributed .eap files?
    • How to setup security, and users?

  • Methodology
    In order to really benefit from a tool such as Enterprise Architect you also need a modelling method.

  • Maintenance and Upgrades
    Regular maintenance of your model and upgrades to the latest version.

Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Phone Business +32 (0) 497 83 44 10
Address: Weldadigheidsstraat 83, 2540 Hove, Belgium
Country(s) of Operation: Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg


Expert-IT is a full service technology consulting company, located in both Belgium and Paris. We provide, since 1996, e-solutions and web development, tailor made software and content management solutions, also new technologies training. Expert-IT delivers to its customers with reliable, highly innovative solutions through applied methodology, re engineered content management processes and automated systems development approaches.

Our services are:

  • IT Project Analysis, Development and Management
  • Support for design and development with Enterprise Architect
  • IT Training : OOAD/UML, Enterprise Architect, .Net, PHP/Symfony, Drupal and Xml Technologies.
  • Content Management solutions
  • IT Consultancy, mentoring and coaching
  • Enterprise Architect Products (and Third-parties solutions) selling with configuration, support and services like:
  • UML / Development Process / Enterprise Architect presentation for management
  • Complete training about UML, BPMN, SysML supported by Enterprise Architect
  • Complete specific training of Enterprise Architect
  • Installation and configuration of EA Corporate and third-parties products
  • Coaching, mentoring and support (off-line and on-line)
  • Development and delivery of EA Add-on's

For further information about Expert-IT, please visit our web site,, or contact us at [email protected].

Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +32 10 49 51 00
Fax: +32 10 24 76 95

The Institute

The Institute is a leading Belgian Company providing Courses and Consulting in Enterprise, Business, and Functional Analysis. The Institute has to-date performed many courses for private and government organisations s.a. Flemish government and Federal government of Belgian and The Netherlands.

The courses The Institute provides can be in Seminar, Classroom, Hands-on Labs, e-Learning or Blended Learning format. The Institute performs ex. Classroom and Blended Learning courses for the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Belgium for their Bachelor students, as well for the Master students in de Haagse Hogeschool in The Netherlands.

Because all teachers of The Institute are consultants, the courses of The Institute are of a high quality and can be documented with real life cases of the country / environment of the Client(s).

We also offer enhanced training courses that run up to five-days, supported by different trainers experienced in topics such as process optimization, code roundtrip engineering, and reporting template development. These courses include workshop sessions, where production examples provided by the customer are reviewed and optimized.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 32 (0) 476 99 59 93

Bulgaria Bulgaria

Bright Consulting

Bright Consulting is a leading IT consulting company with strong focus on IT and Business Service Management solutions. Its corporate mission is to close the gap between IT and the Business, thus helping businesses utilize their resources more effectively and maximize the return on IT investments.

Its clients are some of the largest multinational companies in Bulgaria and EMEA. Bright Consulting leverages experience in Telecom, Banking & Financial Services vertical markets.

Enterprise Architecture Consulting
  • Approach focused on identifying only those areas of world's best practices that will bring immediate improvements to the organization
Sparx Enterprise Architect- Consulting and Implementation services
  • Leverage project experience in the Telecom industry and large multinational organizations
Enterprise Architecture training
  • Customized trainings based on EA best practices and its relation to other industry standards
IT and Business Service Management Consulting
  • Cover all phases of the IT and business service life cycle: from the thorough analysis of business requirements to precise implementation and maintenance of the final solution;
  • Design solutions fully aligned with customer's goals and maturity level and provide quality delivery, integration and support services related to them;
  • ITSM process landscape design and implementation
BMC Software Consulting Services
  • Design and implementation of BMC ITSM solutions in EMEA
  • BMC Consulting Services Partner

Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +359 2 971 1117
Fax: +359 2 491 21 00

czechrepublic Czech Republic

Dataprojekt s.r.o.

Dataprojekt s.r.o. was founded in 2010 in Prague with a special focus on the Czech and Slovak markets. The company has considerable expertise in using Enterprise Architect, as well as in UML, BPMN, ArchiMate - all of which are supported by Enterprise Architect.

The company delivers comprehensive and robust analytical and architectural IT solutions - i.e. the Enterprise Architect tool, methodology, model repository hosting, training and consulting. It is also qualified in assisting integration of Enterprise Architect with other development tools or Enterprise Architect customizations.

Our services include:

  • Provide licenses of Enterprise Architect and related tools
  • Training in Enterprise Architect (multiple difficulty levels)
  • BPMN, UML, ArchiMate and other syntax training - practical tutorials using Enterprise Architect
  • Integrating Enterprise Architect into a company (linking to other tools, data, migrating existing models from other applications, etc.)
  • Providing methodology and consultancy in IT analysis and architecture
  • Providing methodology and consultancy in business and process analysis
  • Preparation of templates to generate customised documentation from Enterprise Architect
  • Hosting Enterprise Architect models
  • Technical and methodological support in Czech
  • Installation and configuration of Enterprise Architect and related tools
  • Developing of Enterprise Architect customizations (add-ins)
  • Sales of extensions for Enterprise Architect

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +420 777 842 060

Capricorn Pro s.r.o.

Capricorn Pro s.r.o. provides training, consulting and custom development services (such as profiles, MDG technologies, generic add-ins) to enhance customers` use and adoption of Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Our courses are delivered as public courses in the Czech Republic and Slovakia or as custom on-site courses at the request of clients. Our trainers are certified by OMG (UML and BPMN) and by The Open Group (ArchiMate) and are experienced in solution, business and enterprise architecture.

VAR Services:
  • Reselling Sparx System Enterprise Architect
  • Setup of remote repositories
  • Application support of EA
  • Customizing of EA according to customers' needs
  • Training related to EA and modelling languages (UML, BPMN, ArchiMate)
  • Czech EA User Group gatherings
  • Mentoring and methodological support including external examination

Capricorn Pro s.r.o. also provides out-of-the-box add-ins for Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect such as:

  • Jira Connector add-in
  • Word Connector add-in
  • OpenAPI (Swagger) add-in

Contact details
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +420 603 404 318
Address: Prvomájová 1353/4, 153 00 Praha 5, Czech Republic

France France

Delthom Software Modeling

Founded in 2005, Delthom Software Modeling is a consulting and software engineering company. Its specialties are UML modeling with all its fields of application and Unified Process. Delthom Software Modeling is editor of ApplicationIQ, application knowledge management software, based on UML and Sparx Enterprise Architect.

Delthom Software Modeling helps companies to benefit from the advantages of the Model Driven Engineering, using Sparx Enterprise Architect, with in particular:

  • The assistance of the client at all stages of the project,
  • The support to engineering: software architecture, retro-engineering, retro- documentation, UML, Unified Process,
  • The capitalization of application knowledge and the sustainability of software investments.

Delthom Software Modeling is the editor of ApplicationIQ, application knowledge management software based on UML and building on Sparx Enterprise Architect.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +33 (0)1 34 94 93 80
Business Address: 16 rue Champ Lagarde - 78000 Versailles - France
Country(s) of Operation: France, Belgium and Suisse for consulting, Worldwide for ApplicationIQ.


Créée en 2005, Delthom Software Modeling est une Société de Conseil et d'Ingénierie logicielle. Ses spécialités sont la modélisation UML avec tous ses domaines d'application et le processus de développement Unified Process. Delthom Software Modeling est l'éditeur du logiciel de gestion des connaissances applicatives ApplicationIQ basé sur UML et Sparx Enterprise Architect.

Delthom Software Modeling aide les entreprises à bénéficier des avantages du Model Driven Engineering en utilisant Sparx Enterprise Architect, avec en particulier :

  • l'AMOA en assistant le demandeur d'un nouveau logiciel à toutes les étapes du projet,
  • le support à l'ingénierie : architecture logicielle, rétro-ingénierie, rétro- documentation, UML, Unified Process,
  • la capitalisation des connaissances applicatives et la pérennisation des investissements logiciels.

Delthom Software Modeling est l'éditeur de ApplicationIQ, logiciel de gestion des connaissances applicatives basé sur UML et s'appuyant sur Sparx Enterprise Architect.


Expert-IT is a full service technology consulting company, located in both Belgium and Paris. We provide, since 1996, e-solutions and web development, tailor made software and content management solutions, also new technologies training. Expert-IT delivers to its customers with reliable, highly innovative solutions through applied methodology, re engineered content management processes and automated systems development approaches.

Our services are:

  • IT Project Analysis, Development and Management
  • Support for design and development with Enterprise Architect
  • IT Training : OOAD/UML, Enterprise Architect, .Net, PHP/Symfony, Drupal and Xml Technologies.
  • Content Management solutions
  • IT Consultancy, mentoring and coaching
  • Enterprise Architect Products (and Third-parties solutions) selling with configuration, support and services like:
  • UML / Development Process / Enterprise Architect presentation for management
  • Complete training about UML, BPMN, SysML supported by Enterprise Architect
  • Complete specific training of Enterprise Architect
  • Installation and configuration of EA Corporate and third-parties products
  • Coaching, mentoring and support (off-line and on-line)
  • Development and delivery of EA Add-on's

For further information about Expert-IT, please visit our web site,, or contact us at [email protected].

Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +32 10 49 51 00
Fax: +32 10 24 76 95


Offering IT consulting, services, and training solutions from 2000 software engineers and consultants, Viseo has developed an expertise in web and object-oriented architectures (Java, JEE, .Net), mobile applications (Android, iOS), IoT, agile project management, and modelling languages (UML, SysML, BPMN2, ArchiMate).

  • Consulting and expertise on Enterprise Architect
  • Helping clients in using Enterprise Architect for their modeling needs
  • Deploying a model based approach for the clients
  • Consulting services in the transformation of client's project approach
  • Development of an Enterprise Architecture repository
  • Customization of Enterprise Architect via MDG, UML profiles, scripts and add'ins.
  • Training and coaching sessions.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Phone: + 33 (0) 9 72 52 25 43
Contact: Guillaume FINANCE


Viseo est une société de conseil, de services et de formation, experte dans les architectures objet (Java, JEE, .Net) et web, projets IoT, applications mobiles (Android, iOS), les méthodes agiles, la modélisation (UML, SysML, BPMN2, ArchiMate) et l'assistance à maitrise d'ouvrage (AMOA).

Viseo propose de nombreux services autour d'Enterprise Architect tels que :

  • le Conseil et l'expertise sur Enterprise Architect,
  • le déploiement d'Enterprise Architect et UML pour les projets client,
  • l'accompagnement dans la transformation de l'approche projet client,
  • le développement du référentiel de données d'Enterprise Architect,
  • la personnalisation d'Enterprise Architect aux besoins clients (MDG, profils UML, scripts add'ins.),
  • la formation.

Germany Germany


We help your customers to explore, re-design and transform their enterprise, using our expertise in Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Analytics.

A Sparx Systems Partner since 2005, we uses Enterprise Architect to model Business Models, Processes, Organizations and IT-Systems.

We offer Enterprise Architect training on the job and customized workshops focusing on:

  • Enterprise Modeling (using ArchiMate)
  • Business Processes Modeling (using BPMN and DMN)
  • Systems Modeling (using UML and SysML).

All trainings are provided in German or English.

Please contact us for more information.

Phone: 0 91 90-9 27 10 10
Fax: 0 91 90-9 27 10 18
Email: [email protected]

Italy Italy


Profesia offers Business Process Automation solutions, Software Engineering practices and IT Management consulting services. With over 12 years expertise in modeling techniques and software integration practices, Profesia can support large organizations in defining a BPM solution that enables the execution of Business Processes that are integrated with their back-end system.

Training Services/Courses

  • BPMN2
  • Enterprise Architect Courses
    • Foundation: final goal is to progressively build a project using the base features of EA.
    • Advanced: adds methodological and technical concepts to the Foundation Course, such as MDA, advanced code engineering, administration functions, EA automation interface and UML profile creation
  • UML and MDA in practice
  • Requirement analysis, Design Methodologies, Life-Cycle Management
  • Software Testing
  • Governing the project outsourcing
  • System engineering modeling with SysML
  • SQL and ERD modelling
  • HL7 Foundation
  • Component Based Development (CBD)
  • Service Oriented Architectures (SOA)

Additional Services

Profesia offers personalized, technology-specific consulting services with Enterprise Architect such as Web Services development, MDA and model-to-model transformations. It also offers special tailored courses concerning Requirements Management, document generation customization, advanced usage of EA automation interface and UML profile creation.

Contact Details

Email : [email protected]
Phone : +39 011 19879273
Address : corso Orbassano, 336 - 10137 Torino (TO)
Country of operation: Italy

Netherlands Netherlands


Interactory is a expert organisation on data and architecture modelling. It offers consultancy and training in the field of data architecture, ArchiMate and Togaf and the introduction and implementation of Sparx Enterprise Architect.

For the implementation of architecture repositories based on ArchiMate and Sparx Enterprise Architect Interactory has developed a consultancy and training programme for Dutch organisations

Interactory offers high quality training courses in a workshop and online format. The workshop is a one day course and focuses on Enterprise- and Information Architects. The online training is self paced.

Training Services

Workshop format training with the duration of one day, this is either a classroom or in house training The material and cases can be tailored for the specific needs of the organisation

Online training with web video's, presentation material, assignments and quizzes is offered via our website. It gives you the possibility to do the training in your own pace.

Additional services

Interactory also offers training courses on data architecture, big data and data modelling. For Sparx Enterprise Interactory offers services for the introduction of Architecture Repositories and coaching of architecture teams in modelling and architecture capabilities

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +31.636431652
Business Address:
Johanna Naberstraat 48
4105 EK Culemborg
The Netherlands
Enterprise Architect Consulting:
Country of Operation: The Netherlands

Poland Poland


Inteca is a leading consulting, software development, and IT training provider, specializing in:
  • Assisting clients in establishing and evolving their Enterprise Architecture practice through the implementation of cutting-edge best practices, standards, processes, and supporting software. This enables organizations to understand, plan, and effectively manage change.
  • Designing and building Microservices-based solutions using a model-driven engineering. We assist customers in utilizing this approach to effectively organize and manage large-scale microservices-based enterprise architectures.
  • Providing DevOps consulting services that focus on integrating model-driven design into Agile and DevOps methodologies. This approach enhances and streamlines the software delivery process, ensuring continuous improvement and innovation.

Our goal is to empower organizations to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving IT landscape by leveraging the latest technological advancements and industry practices.


  • Enterprise Architect / ProCloud Server / Prolaborate setup and deployment (deployment strategy (central / distributed), security, roles, integration with other tools)
  • Enterprise & Solution Architecture consulting (process, practices & tools) - helping customers leverage Enterprise Architect & Prolaborate for establishing and maintaining Enterprise Architecture Repository (TOGAF® and ArchiMate® )
  • DevOps & Software Development Process integration (SDLC processes, practices, CI/CD, toolchain integration) - helping customers to establish Enterprise Architect & Prolaborate as part of the DevOps toolchain to bring value from modeling by improving visibility and optimizing SDLC performance.
  • Providing EA AddIns and MDGs covering various use cases and industries, including OpenAPI/Swagger, Models Change Management and Versioning, SOA for Finance & Banking (ISO20022, BIAN)
  • Development of custom plugins for EA and ProCloud Server


Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +48 71 7156091
Fax: +48 71 7156095
Business Adress: Powstancow Slaskich 9, 53-332 Wroclaw, Poland
Country(s) of Operation: Austria, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden and Switzerland


Modesto provides consulting, advice, training and outsourcing services in the field of software engineering. It is made up by a team of independent consultants, who use their specialized knowledge and experience to effectively support their customers.

Modesto provides support to companies from various sectors of the economy and assigns only experienced consultants with practical skills and knowledge applicable to the company's projects.

Modesto offers the following consulting services:

  • Business process modeling
  • Requirements management
  • System Architecture
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Software integration
  • Development of techniques of effective application of Enterprise Architect in agile methodologies
  • Implementation of Enterprise Architect as a tool supporting the software development lifecycle process.

To see our entire course list and free "Basics Of Use Case Modeling" course, please see the below webpage:

Aside from consulting services company Modesto conducts trainings in the field of application of Enterprise Architect in modeling of business processes, requirements' management and design of IT systems.

Contact Details
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +48 22 727 80 00

Spain Spain


Soft-Lutions improves customer’s peopleware and software processes by providing a wide range of software services:

  • Architecture documentation and evaluation
  • Software refactoring
  • Reverse engineering and re-engineering of SW components and systems
  • SW integration
  • SW testing
  • SW process improvement
  • Coaching SW teams
  • Outsourcing

Training Services:

  • How to use Design Patterns in your current project
  • Unit, module and regression testing
  • Static Analysis
  • Configuration Management techniques
  • Refactoring: from code duplication to reusable components
  • Software metrics and how to use them to improve the quality of your code

Our services can be offered in the following languages: English, German and Spanish.


Tel: +49 89 9921 6440
Fax: +49 89 9921 6200

Tel: +34 933 443 257
Fax: +34 933 940 960

Sweden Sweden

Biner Consulting

Biner Consulting help their clients achieve business transformation through the use of change management and enterprise architecture. Biner Consulting's key strengths are their highly skilled and experienced consultants and their relationships and cooperation within the enterprise architecture community. Biner Consulting provide high quality consultancy services and training for organizations that work towards developing effectiveness through enterprise architecture.

Biner Consulting provide mentoring and consultancy in the establishment and use of Enterprise Architect. Biner Consulting can tailor programs of training, developing client specific case studies and materials as appropriate.

Biner Consulting work with architecture teams as well as business employees who focus on project management, operations management and technical management.

Services include:
  • Installation and configuration of Enterprise Architect
  • Introduction of Enterprise Architect to management and end users
  • Practical Enterprise Architecture training with Enterprise Architect
  • Enterprise Architecture Strategy configuration and execution
  • Business Modeling
  • Requirements Modeling
  • Process definition and process modeling
  • Use Case Driven Requirements Development

Biner Consulting are the Zachman International representatives in Scandinavia, and are also accredited training providers of TOGAF 9.

For more information, please contact Biner Consulting:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +46 31 743 0780

Countries of business: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Baltics

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Sparx Services UK (Hippo Software)

Sparx Services UK is the authorised services partner for Sparx Systems in the UK, Ireland and Northern Europe. Sparx Services UK provides training, workshops, mentoring and consulting in Enterprise Architect, Prolaborate, BPMN, UML, SysML and ArchiMate.

Training and Workshops

Sparx Services UK offers a wide range of Sparx Systems certified training courses:

  • Enterprise Architect and BPMN
  • Enterprise Architect and UML
  • Enterprise Architect and SysML
  • Enterprise Architect and ArchiMate
  • Enterprise Architect Workshops (Document, Scripting, MDG, GUI Prototyping, Simulation, Team Leader)

Training materials are modular, allowing customers to create their own custom courses by selecting modules that best meet their needs. Flexible pricing accommodates smaller and larger numbers of delegates. All training can be delivered on-site or by webinar.

Sparx Services UK also offers a wide range of 1 day public Enterprise Architect courses and workshops delivered by webinar, ideal for individuals and very cost-effective for a small number of delegates.

Mentoring and Consulting

Sparx Services UK consultants can assist customers with the adoption and roll out of Enterprise Architect and Prolaborate. Consulting and mentoring services include:

  • Assistance with setup of EA databases and structure of projects
  • Conducting technical reviews and quality audits of models
  • Establishing notation metamodels and building MDG technologies
  • Devising and documenting standards and guidelines
  • Creation of document templates and scripts
  • Design of Prolaborate landing pages and dynamic dashboards

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 (0)1506 202164
Countries of Operation: UK and Europe (on-site), Worldwide (webinar)

Ability Engineering

Ability Engineering (AE) is the leading independent Sparx Systems global partner, providing tools, skills and services to Enterprise Architect users worldwide since 1998. We are the founders of the European EA User Group.

Ability Engineering is the developer of two approved Enterprise Architect extensions: 

  • eaDocX®, the smart document generation and collaboration tool, and
  • Model Expert™, the model quality management tool.

Ability Engineering also offers cloud hosting and support for Enterprise Architect repositories, EA Software as a Service (SAAS) and Prolaborate, through

Other training, consulting and mentoring services include:

  • Training courses and workshops - tailored on-line and on-site courses and case studies, covering UML, BPMN, Enterprise Architect for BAs, EA for Teams and Collaborating with eaDocX®.
  • Document creation and customisation.
  • Building model consistency and quality using Model Expert™.
  • Consulting - providing occasional or embedded experts to support your projects and Mentoring - providing expert advice direct to your desktop. 
  • Customisation  of Enterprise Architect (scripting, MDGs, etc) and Prolaborate (user set-up, dashboard creation,etc) on-line.
  • Ongoing Enterprise Architect application support.

For more information about how Ability Engineering can help you, visit or email: [email protected].

Like Work But Different

Ability Engineering Ltd.
Nr. Abergavenny
T: +(44) 1873 890317
Countries of Operation: from UK to the world

Maiar Ltd

Solving client problems which are characterised by complexity: challenging, messy, difficult problems, or where extremely high tempo is required. Achieving delivery and change in complicated and classified environments, where everything is difficult and takes time, and where other teams baulk at the challenge. Overcoming seemingly insurmountable problems that require innovation and agility to overcome, where outcomes are required despite the environment and conditions, rather than because of them. Supporting the introduction of new capabilities and services that provoke change that is difficult to visualise and manage, that require rapid intervention.


Mission Advantage: Enhancing Defence capabilities through a variety of delivery programmes, technology-based interventions, and technology-triggered change activities.

  • Bringing Intelligence, Operations and CIS together; breaking stovepipes
  • Subject Matter Experts in Intelligence and Operations domains
Intelligence Analysis
  • Currently delivering Intelligence as a Service (IaaS) in sensitive environments
  • Developing broader all-source offerings in the unclassified arena
  • We are working on joining them up
  • Active in advanced ISR, Generation After Next (GAN), novel sensing programmes
  • Provision of services, products, and applications to deliver true business change

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Address: The Old Estate Office, Thorpe Waterville, Kettering NN14 3ED

Country(s) of Operation: UK