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ArcGIS UML Profile

The MDG Technology for ArcGIS is built in to the Enterprise Architect installer. A key component of the technology is the UML Profile for ArcGIS.



Publish > Technologies > ArcGIS

Context Menu

Right-click on Package | Extensions | ArcGIS




See also

Profile Support

The built-in MDG Technology for ArcGIS provides:

  • ArcGIS Toolbox pages that map ArcGIS concepts to appropriately stereotyped UML elements
  • A Model Pattern that helps you to start designing geodatabases quickly and to use the required Package structure in Enterprise Architect
  • Datatypes that are specific to the ArcGIS platform
  • Quick-linker capabilities that help you make valid connections between elements
New Diagram Quick Linker Toolbox Shortcut

ArcGIS Toolbox Pages

The ArcGIS Toolbox contains five core pages:

  • Domains  - for coded value and range domains
  • Features and Tables - for custom feature types and tables
  • Network Features - for geometric network and topology Packages
  • Raster - for raster datasets
  • Workspace - for ArcGIS workspace and spatial reference information

Two additional Toolboxes group the objects used specifically in creating Geometric Network and Topology diagrams.

Diagram Toolbox ArcGIS Toolbox Pages

Spatial References

Enterprise Architect helps you to model Spatial Reference information for your ArcGIS schema, including the selection of predefined coordinate systems and associated values.

Setting ArcGIS Coordinate Systems

Show/Hide System Attribute Fields

The ArcGIS elements provided through the Toolbox pages contain a number of system-assigned attributes that define the «AttributeIndex», «SpatialIndex» and «RequiredField» stereotypes. When you drag an element onto a diagram from the Toolbox, these attributes are not visible in the newly-created structure.

If you want to show these system attributes, right-click on the element(s) and select the Publish > Technologies > ArcGIS > Show or Hide ArcGIS System Fields ribbon option. Similarly, if you have exposed the attributes and want to hide them, select the elements and select the menu option again.

This option does not operate on attributes or stereotypes you have added to the selected elements, nor on elements that you have not selected.

If you do not select any elements, the option is grayed out.

Disable MDG Technology for ArcGIS

If you prefer not to use the MDG Technology for ArcGIS in Enterprise Architect, you can disable it (and subsequently re-enable it) using the 'MDG Technologies' dialog (Configure > Technology > Manage).

MDG Technologies


  • The MDG Technology for ArcGIS is available in the Professional, Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, System Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect