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WSDL Binding Operation

When you save a newly-created «WSDLbinding» stereotyped Class, the system:

  1. Adds to the Binding diagram, the WSDL Port Type element implemented by the WSDL Binding.
  2. Draws a Realization connector from the Binding to the PortType.
  3. Automatically populates the Binding with all the UML operations from the PortType, as the WSDL Binding Operations.


To display the 'WSDL Binding Operation Details' dialog for the selected Binding Operation, use one of the methods outlined here.


With a specific Binding Operation selected within a «WSDLbinding» stereotyped Class on a diagram:

Design > Element > Operations

Context Menu

With a specific Binding Operation selected within a «WSDLbinding» stereotyped Class on a diagram:

Right-click on attribute | View Properties

Keyboard Shortcuts

With a specific Binding Operation selected within a «WSDLbinding» stereotyped Class on a diagram:



Double-click on the Binding Operation within the «WSDLbinding» stereotyped Class

Define Properties



See also

Operation Name

Displays the name of the Operation copied from the WSDL PortType element.

The value in this field cannot be edited.


If the protocol of the parent WSDL Binding element was defined as HTTP, this field is grayed out.

Type in the SOAP Action header (URL) for this operation.

WSDL Binding


If the protocol of the parent WSDL Binding element was defined as HTTP, this field is grayed out.

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the SOAP style of the operation.

WSDL Binding


If the protocol of the parent WSDL Binding element was defined as SOAP, this field is grayed out.

Type in the relative URL of this Operation.

WSDL Binding


(Optional) Type in any notes you need for this operation.


Click on this button to define the parameters for this operation.

The 'WSDL Binding Operation Parameters' dialog displays, showing the names of the operation Input, Output and Faults. You cannot change these names.

Click on the Details button to specify the details for Input, Output and Fault operation (Message) parameters. Note that the Details button in the:

  • Input section is disabled for the Notification Operation Type
  • Output section is disabled for the One-way Operation Type
  • Fault section is disabled if there are no Fault Messages

  • Use - If the protocol of the parent WSDL Binding element was defined as HTTP, this field is grayed out; click on the drop-down arrow and select the encoding that is to be used
  • Encoding Style - If the protocol of the parent WSDL Binding element was defined as HTTP, this field is grayed out; if 'Use' is set to 'encoded', type in the style (URL) to apply
  • Namespace - If the protocol of the parent WSDL Binding element was defined as HTTP, this field is grayed out; (Optional) type in the namespace
  • Parts - If the protocol of the parent WSDL Binding element was defined as HTTP, this field is grayed out; this field is also not applicable to Faults - (Optional) type in the Message Part attributes that appear within the SOAP Body portion
  • Header - This field is not applicable to Faults; (Optional) type in the text of the SOAP/HTTP Header
  • Documentation - (Optional) Type in any notes you need for this message
  • OK - Click on this button to save the data entered and close the 'WSDL Binding Parameter Details' dialog
  • Cancel - Click on this button to discard the data entered and close the 'WSDL Binding Parameter Details' dialog
  • Help - Click on this button to display this Help topic


Click on this button to save the data entered and close the 'WSDL Binding Operation Details' dialog.


Click on this button to discard the data entered and close the 'WSDL Binding Operation Details' dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help topic.


This button is displayed when you are editing existing WSDL Binding Operation information.

Click on the button to open the UML operation 'Properties' dialog for the element.

Define Properties of Operations

Learn more


  • If you subsequently change the WSDL Port Type operations, you can refresh the Binding Operations by deleting the Realization connector and re-establishing it; the 'Overrides & Implementations' dialog displays, on which you select the updated operations to establish
  • You can review the parameters of a Binding Operation by highlighting the operation in the diagram or Project Browser and expanding the entries in the Tagged Values window