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Create Hidden Sub-Menus using the Profile Helpers

When you create Toolbox items, some of them could be very similar in that they are based on the same type of Metaclass. For example, there are many different types of Action element. Rather than populate a Toolbox Page with every variation, you can create a 'base' Toolbox item and offer a choice of variant from a sub-menu, which is displayed when the base item is dragged onto the diagram.

Define a hidden sub-menu



See also


If you have not already done so, create and display the diagram you will be using to define your Toolbox, as described in steps 1 to 6 of Create Toolbox Profiles using the Profile Helpers.

Create Toolbox Profiles using the Profile Helpers


Drag the 'Add a Toolbox Page' item from the 'Profile Helpers' Toolbox page onto the diagram.  

The 'Add Toolbox Page' dialog displays.


In the 'Name' field, type the name for the sub-menu Toolbox item.


The 'Tool Tip' field can be left blank in this case.


Select the 'Is Hidden' checkbox.

The 'Images Only', 'Is Common' and 'Is Collapsed' checkboxes should be left unselected.


After selecting the 'Is Hidden' checkbox, the 'Icon' field should become active. You can optionally add a custom icon image for the sub-menu Toolbox item.

The icon image must be a 16x16 pixel bitmap file; for a transparent background use light grey - RGB(192,192,192).

To set the icon for the sub-menu Toolbox item, click on the folder icon to the right of the 'Icon' field.  Select the image file and click on the Open button.


You can now add items such as elements and connectors to the sub-menu.  

Click on the down arrow on the right of the Add button, and select one of these options:

  • 'Add Stereotype': adds a Toolbox item for a Stereotype that is defined in a UML Profile in the current model; this Profile must be included with the Toolbox Profile in the MDG Technology
    After you select this option, the 'Select a Profile Element' dialog displays; use this to select the Stereotype you want to add
  • 'Add Built in Type':
         -  Element: adds a Toolbox item for a UML element type
            After you select this option the 'Create new Toolbox Item' dialog displays; in the 'Alias' field, type the label to appear
            on the Toolbox item, and click on the OK button
            The 'Select Metaclass' dialog then displays; select the UML element type to add to your Toolbox, and click on the OK button
         -  Connector: adds a Toolbox item for a UML connector type
            After you select this option the 'Create new Toolbox Item' dialog displays; in the 'Alias' field, type the label to appear
            on the Toolbox item, and click on the OK button  
            The 'Select Metaclass' dialog then displays; select the UML connector type to add to your Toolbox, and click on the OK button
  • 'Add Hidden Toolbox': adds a hidden Toolbox sub-menu item; do not use this option when creating the 'Hidden Toolbox' sub-menu itself
  • 'Add New Item': adds a Toolbox item with an Alias only
    This option alone will not create a functional Toolbox item; a Toolbox item added in this way must be later modified via the 'Toolbox Items' list

Clicking on the Add button, and not on the drop-down arrow, is the same as selecting the 'Add Stereotype' option.


(Optional) After adding the Toolbox item it will appear in the 'Toolbox Items' list, and you can add a custom icon image for the item.

The icon image must be a 16x16 pixel bitmap file; for a transparent background use light gray - RGB(192,192,192).

To set the icon for a Toolbox item, locate the item in the 'Toolbox Items' list and click within the 'Toolbox Icon' column. Click on the button within this column. The 'Select a Toolbox Icon' dialog displays. Locate the image file and click on the Open button.


Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each item to add to the sub-menu.

To remove a Toolbox item, select it from the 'Toolbox Items' list and click on the Delete button.

Once all the appropriate sub-menu items have been added, click on the OK button. A Stereotype element will be added to your Toolbox Profile diagram.


Repeat steps 2 to 9 for each Toolbox sub-menu to create.


The sub-menu(s) created above can now be included as an item in a Toolbox Page.

Create Toolbox Profiles using the Profile Helpers


  • A sub-menu can be modified by right-clicking the appropriate Stereotype element on the Toolbox Profile diagram and selecting the 'Edit with Profile Helper' option

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