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Generate Scenario From Activity Diagram

You can generate a range of diagrams from a scenario in an element. Conversely, you can also generate a structured scenario within an element from an Activity diagram, reverse engineering the steps from the diagram elements (effectively either regenerating the scenario within the Use Case, or transferring a scenario into another Use Case).


On a diagram or in the Project Browser, select an element and:


Design > Element > Manage > Properties > Scenarios > Structured Specification > Right-click on space > Create Structure From Generated Activity Diagram  or

Design > Element > Manage > Specific Properties Page > Scenarios > Structured Specification > Right-click on space > Create Structure From Generated Activity Diagram

Context Menu

Right-click on element | Properties > Scenarios > Structured Specification | Right-click on space | Create Structure From Generated Activity Diagram   or

Right-click on element | Properties Page | Scenarios > Structured Specification | Right-click on space | Create Structure From Generated Activity Diagram

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+Enter : Scenarios > Structured Specification | Right-click on space | Create Structure From Generated Activity Diagram  or

Shift+Alt+S > Structured Specification | Right-click on space | Create Structure From Generated Activity Diagram


Double-click on Element : Scenarios > Structured Specification | Right-click on space | Create Structure From Generated Activity Diagram

Generate a scenario from an Activity diagram



See also


On the 'Select an Activity (generated from a UseCase Scenario) containing the Diagram' dialog, search for and select the Activity containing the required diagram.

Select Dialog


Click on the OK button.

A prompt displays to remind you that any existing scenario steps will be deleted.


Click on the Yes button.

The system validates the diagram (displaying the results in the 'Scenario Generation' tab of the System Output window) and, if the diagram is valid, generates the scenario steps in the 'Structured Specification' tab.

System Output Window


  • The source Activity diagram must be generated from another Use Case scenario
  • This facility does not operate on the enhanced Activity diagrams generated from a Use Case - those generated with ActivityParameters, Actions and Action Pins

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