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Manage Page Breaks

As you set up the document structure, you might want to insert a page or column break to force a specific part of the document content to start on a new page or column.



Document-Edit > Edit > Insert > Insert Break > Page Break, or

Document-Edit > Edit > Insert > Insert Break > Column Break

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+Enter (page break)

Force a page break

Select the option 'Document-Edit > Edit > Insert > Insert Break > Page Break', or press Ctrl+Enter.

The forced page break is indicated by a labeled solid line; if this is not visible, click on the icon, in the 'Paragraph' panel of the 'Document-Edit' ribbon.

Create a column break

Move the cursor to the appropriate point in the column text and select the option 'Document-Edit > Edit > Insert > Insert Break > Column Break'. The break is indicated by a labeled 'dot and dash' line.

Normally in a multiple column section, the text flows from the end of one column to the top of the next column; a column break forces the text to the next column before the current column is completely filled.

Delete a break

A page break or column break is indicated by a labeled line. To delete the break, move the cursor onto this line and press the Delete key.

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