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Package Options

As you define the elements in your specification you can make them easier to reference by giving them more appropriate element names and/or numbers, either as the elements are created or retrospectively when a naming and numbering system has been finalized. You can also make the elements easier to locate and view by enabling level-numbering and indenting, helping you to organize and review the sequence and arrangement of the elements in the Specification Package. If you have been exploring other areas of the Project Browser, you can return focus to the Specification Package in the Project Browser.



Specification-Specifiy > Specification > Package > Find in Project Browser

Specification-Specifiy > Specification > Apply Auto Naming

Specification-Specifiy > Specification > Level Numbering > Enable

Specification-Specifiy > Specification > Level Numbering > Indent Description

Configure Package options



See also

Locate Current in Project Browser

Highlight the name of the Specification Package in the Project Browser.

Apply Auto Naming to Elements

If you had to create elements before setting up an auto-naming and/or auto-numbering system, you can select this option to apply the system to the existing elements retrospectively.

If you set up an auto-naming and/or auto-numbering system before creating your elements, that system is automatically applied as you create the elements.

Apply Auto Naming to Existing Elements Set Auto Naming and Auto Counters

Level Numbering - Enable

Click on this option to apply level numbering to the elements in the Specification Package and indent each successive level, both in the Specification Manager and in the Project Browser. Nested elements are numbered hierarchically; that is:

1  Name

2  Name

    2.1  Name

            2.1.1  Name

            2.1.2  Name


The option in the Specification Manager is the same as the option in the Project Browser Package context menu; turning the option on or off in one window also turns the option on or off in the other.

Package Options in the Project Browser Model Requirements

Level Numbering - Indent Description

If you have enabled level numbering, this option is available to indent the element description under each element name, to align with the element name. If the option is not selected, the text is aligned with the left-hand edge of the level number.  For example:

Option ON:

1  Name


2  Name


    2.1  Name


            2.1.1  Name


            2.1.2  Name


3  Name


Option OFF:

1  Name


2  Name


     2.1  Name


            2.1.1  Name


            2.1.2  Name


3  Name



  • In the Corporate and extended editions of Enterprise Architect, a User Security system can be applied that restricts or enables access to a range of operations and functions; if you cannot access a function in the Specification Manager, check with your System Administrator or Security Administrator to see if you have access permissions to work with that function

Learn more