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Structured Specification Entry Points Context Menu

Under the 'Structured Specification' tab, the 'Entry Points' tab shows how the basic path, alternate path and exception path scenarios for the element are organized and interrelated. If an alternate path or exception path has been defined but has not yet been added to the basic path, it is not listed on this tab. You can perform certain operations on the items of the 'Entry Points' tab, using the context menu.


On a diagram or in the Project Browser, select an element and:


Design > Element > Manage > Properties > Scenarios > Structured Specification > Entry Points > Right-click or

Design > Element > Manage > Specific Properties Page > Scenarios > Structured Specification > Entry Points > Right-click

Context Menu

Right-click on element | Properties > Scenarios > Structured Specification | Entry Points | Right-click   or

Right-click on element | Properties Page | Scenarios > Structured Specification | Entry Points | Right-click

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+Enter : Scenarios > Structured Specification | Entry Points | Right-click  or

Shift+Alt+S > Structured Specification | Entry Points | Right-click


Double-click on Element : Scenarios > Structured Specification | Entry Points | Right-click

Entry Points menu options



See also

Edit Path

Click on this option to display the steps of the scenario in the 'Structured Specification' tab, with the first step highlighted.

Join with Step

(Available only if the basic path scenario is displayed in the 'Structured Specification' tab, to join the selected alternate or exception path with the basic path. Not available to change the basic path scenario itself.)

Click on this option to highlight the 'Join' field and its drop-down arrow. Click on the drop-down to define or change the step number at which the alternate or exception path rejoins the basic path. Select 'End' if the path does not rejoin the basic path steps.

Remove Entry Point

(Available only if the basic path scenario is displayed in the 'Structured Specification' tab, to delete a junction with the basic path. Not available to delete any part of the basic path scenario itself.)

Click on this option to delete the relationship between the selected path and the basic path, and remove the entry from the 'Entry Points' tab.

A prompt displays to confirm the deletion. Click on the Yes button to delete the junction.


  • You can switch focus between the 'Entry Points' tab and the 'Structured Specification' tab by pressing Alt+Q

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