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Classify an Object

Objects can be created and classified in a number of ways. You can define a classifier first and then create instances of that classifier. Alternatively, you might develop several separate objects that turn out to have a similar specification, which you then formally define as a classifier. You would then classify the existing objects as instances of that new classifier.

Methods of Classifying an object



See also

Drop Classifier Onto Diagram

Drag an existing classifier element from the Project Browser onto a diagram. Depending on how you configure the 'Drop <element> from Project Browser' dialog, you can create an associated object as an instance, or the instance is automatically generated.

If your classifier contains Property elements, you also have the option of adding some or all of these properties to the instance as 'slots'.

Drop from Project Browser Add Property Slots to Instance

Classify Existing Object

(Where both object and classifier already exist, separately.)

On a diagram, right-click on the object and select the 'Advanced | Instance Classifier' option. (Or click on the object and press Ctrl+L.)

The 'Select Classifier' dialog displays. Browse or search through the model for the classifier element to associate with the object, and double-click on it.

The object is associated with the classifier and displays the naming convention described above.

Select Dialog

Classify new or existing object from classifier Associations

A classifier is usually a component of a model structure, and can have Associations with other classifiers.

If an object is classified, any other objects related to that object can be classified by the related elements of the classifier. For example:

  • Class A is associated with Class B and Class C
  • Object 1 is classified by Class A
  • If you create an Association between Object 1 and Object 2, the 'Choose an Association Connector' dialog offers the option of setting either Class B or Class C as the classifier of Object 2
Classify Object Via Classifier Associations

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