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Task Management

In the life cycle of a project, there are various non-technical tasks that are vital to the successful management and completion of the project, such as allocation of resources and allocation of time to the tasks and to meetings. Enterprise Architect helps you as a project manager or as a team member to record and monitor such tasks.


Enterprise Architect provides a range of project management facilities as described in this table.



See also

Manage Project Resources

Resources are the people who work on a project. You can assign roles and allocate tasks to them, which helps you to track effort and estimate time to complete tasks. You can also define the effort, risks and metrics to support resource management. You add, modify and delete resources using the Resource Allocation window.

Project Resources

The Gantt View

In Enterprise Architect, you can visualize elements and assigned project resources easily in a Gantt Chart format, to review the breakdown of work for a specific project and for specific sections of the project. The Project Gantt View illustrates a project schedule by showing the start and finish dates of assigned resources, so that you as Project Manager can quickly see the current project status using the percent-complete bar shading and the percent-complete, resource name and status columns. Information can be filtered, and overdue items can quickly be highlighted and identified. You can also access specialized versions of the Gantt View from diagrams, Packages and the Personal Tasks list.

The Project Gantt View

Project Task Allocation

A particular feature of the Project Gantt View is the facility to review the allocation of work to elements in the project, focusing on either the elements that require work, or the resources required to perform the work.

Project Task Allocation

Review Personal Tasks

Using the Personal Tasks view, each team member can record, review and manage their personal work within the project.

Personal Tasks

Project Management Windows

Enterprise Architect provides four specialized windows to help you to define each of the management quantities associated with an element in the model, namely:

  • Resources - the people who work on a project, who can be assigned roles and allocated tasks
  • Effort - the effort expended in work on the element
  • Risks - the risks associated with the element, and
  • Metrics - the metrics measured for an element
Project Management Windows