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Business Analysts

A Business Analyst can use Enterprise Architect to create high-level models of business processes, including business requirements, activities, workflow, and the display of system behavior.

Using Enterprise Architect, a Business Analyst can describe the procedures that govern what a particular business does. Such a model is intended to deliver a high-level overview of a proposed system.

Business Analyst Tasks



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Model High Level Business Processes

Using Analysis diagrams, you can model the high-level processes of the business.

Analysis diagrams are a subset of UML 2.5 Activity diagrams and are less formal than other diagram types, but they provide a useful means for expressing essential business characteristics and requirements.

Analysis Diagram Example Analysis Diagram

Model Requirements

Gathering requirements is typically the first step in developing a solution, be it for developing a software application or for detailing a business process; it is an important step in the implementation of a project.

Using Enterprise Architect, you can define the Requirement elements, connect Requirements to the model elements for implementation, connect Requirements together into a hierarchy, report on Requirements, and move Requirements out of model element responsibilities.

Requirements Management Specification Manager

Model Business Activities

You can use Activity diagrams to model the behavior of a system and the way in which these behaviors are related to the overall flow of the system.

Activity diagrams do not model the exact internal behavior of the system but show instead the general processes and pathways at a high level.

Activity Diagram

Model Workflow

To visualize the cooperation between elements involved in the workflow, you can use an Interaction Overview diagram, which provides an overview of sub activities that are involved in a system.

Interaction Overview Diagram

Display System Behavior

In displaying the behavior of a system as a Use Case diagram, Enterprise Architect provides an easily understood tool for mapping the functional requirements and behavior of a system.

Use Case Diagram

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