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Cleanup Script

Incremental builds are the practice of only building those assets that have changed in some way. There are times, however, when there is cause to build everything again from scratch. This command is used for those occasions, to remove the binaries and intermediary files associated with a particular build or configuration. The project can then be rebuilt. When you execute the 'Rebuild' menu option on a script, the command(s) you specify in this field are executed, followed immediately by the 'Build' command from the same Analyzer script. Some compilers have options do this for you. Visual studio for example has the "/clean" command line switch.


On the Execution Analyzer window, either:

  • Locate and double-click on the required script and select the 'Build > Clean' page    or
  • Click on in the window Toolbar and select the 'Build > Clean' page


Execute > Analyze > Analyzer Scripts

Context Menu

Project Browser | Right-click on Package | Execution Analyzer

Keyboard Shortcuts





See also


Enter the command to be executed when you select 'Clean' from the script context menu.

Example /Clean Debug MyProject.sln

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