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DiagramObject Class
The DiagramObject Class stores presentation information that indicates what is displayed in a diagram and how it is shown.
Associated table in .EAP file
DiagramObject Attributes
Attribute |
Remarks |
See also |
BackgroundColor |
Long Notes: The background color of the object on the diagram. Set to -1 to re-set to the default color in the model. |
BorderColor |
Long Notes: The border line color of the object on the diagram. Set to -1 to re-set to the default color in the model. |
BorderLineWidth |
Long Notes: The border line width of the object on the diagram. Valid values are 1 (narrowest) to 5 (thickest); a default of 1 is applied if an invalid value is passed in. |
Bottom |
Long Notes: Read/Write The bottom edge position of the object on the diagram. Enterprise Architect uses a cartesian coordinate system, with {0,0} being the top-left corner of the diagram. For this reason, Y-axis values (Top and Bottom) should always be negative. |
DiagramID |
Long Notes: Read/Write The ID of the associated diagram. |
ElementDisplayMode |
Long Notes: Indicates how to adjust the element features if the element is resized. 1 = Resize to longest feature 2 = Wrap features 3 = Truncate features Defaults to 1 if an invalid value is supplied. |
ElementID |
Long Notes: Read/Write The ElementID of the object instance in this diagram. |
String Notes: Lists the stereotypes to hide on the object on the diagram. |
FontBold |
Boolean Notes: Get or Set the status of the object text font as Bold. |
FontColor |
Long Notes: The color of the font of the object text on the diagram. |
FontItalic |
Boolean Notes: Get or Set the status of the object text font as Italic. |
FontName |
String Notes: The name of the font used for the object text. |
FontSize |
String Notes: The size of the font used for the object text. |
FontUnderline |
Boolean Notes: Get or Set the status of the object text font as Underlined. |
InstanceGUID |
String Notes: The instance GUID for the object on the diagram (the DUID). |
InstanceID |
Long Notes: Read Holds the connector identifier for the current model. |
IsSelectable |
Boolean Notes: Indicates whether this object on the diagram can be selected. |
Left |
Long Notes: Read/Write The left edge position of the object on the diagram. |
ObjectType |
ObjectType Notes: Read only Distinguishes objects referenced through a Dispatch interface. |
ObjectType |
Right |
Long Notes: Read/Write The right edge position of the object on the diagram. |
Sequence |
Long Notes: Read/Write The sequence position when loading the object into the diagram (this affects its Z order). The Z-order is one-based and the lowest value is in the foreground. |
ShowComposedDiagram |
Boolean Notes: Indicates whether the object's composite diagram should be displayed by default when the object is selected. |
ShowConstraints |
Boolean Notes: Show constraints for this object on the diagram. |
ShowFormattedNotes |
Boolean Notes: Show any formatting applied to the notes, for this object on the diagram. ShowNotes must be True for the formatted notes to be displayed. |
ShowFullyQualifiedTags |
Boolean Notes: Show fully qualified Tagged Values for this object on the diagram. |
ShowInheritedAttributes |
Boolean Notes: Show inherited attributes for this object on the diagram. |
ShowInheritedConstraints |
Boolean Notes: Show inherited constraints for this object on the diagram. |
ShowInheritedOperations |
Boolean Notes: Show inherited operations for this object on the diagram. |
ShowInherited Responsibilities |
Boolean Notes: Show inherited responsibilities for this object on the diagram. |
ShowInheritedTags |
Boolean Notes: Show inherited Tagged Values for this object on the diagram. |
ShowNotes |
Boolean Note: Show the notes for this object on the diagram. |
ShowPackageAttributes |
Boolean Notes: Show Package attributes for this object on the diagram. |
ShowPackageOperations |
Boolean Notes: Show Package operations for this object on the diagram. |
ShowPortType |
Boolean Notes: Show the Port type. |
ShowPrivateAttributes |
Boolean Notes: Show private attributes for this object on the diagram. |
ShowPrivateOperations |
Boolean Notes: Show private operations for this object on the diagram. |
ShowProtectedAttributes |
Boolean Notes: Show protected attributes for this object on the diagram. |
ShowProtectedOperations |
Boolean Notes: Show protected operations for this object on the diagram. |
ShowPublicAttributes |
Boolean Notes: Show public attributes for this object on the diagram. |
ShowPublicOperations |
Boolean Notes: Show public operations for this object on the diagram. |
ShowResponsibilities |
Boolean Notes: Show responsibilities for this object on the diagram. |
ShowRunstates |
Boolean Notes: Show Runstates for this object on the diagram. |
ShowStructured Compartments |
Boolean Note: Indicates whether to display the structured compartments for this object on the diagram. |
ShowTags |
Boolean Notes: Show Tagged Values for this object on the diagram. |
Style |
Variant Notes: Read/Write The style information for this object. Returns a semi-colon delimited string that defines the current style settings. Changing a value will completely overwrite the previously existing value, so caution is advised to avoid losing existing style information that you want to keep. See Setting the Style. |
TextAlign |
Long Notes: Indicates the alignment of text on a Text element on the diagram. 1 = Left aligned 2 = Center aligned 3 = Right aligned Defaults to 1 if an invalid value is supplied. |
Top |
Long Notes: Read/Write The top edge position of the object on the diagram. Enterprise Architect uses a cartesian coordinate system, with {0,0} being the top-left corner of the diagram. For this reason, Y-axis values (Top and Bottom) should always be negative. |
DiagramObject Methods
Method |
Remarks |
See also |
GetLastError() |
String Notes: Returns a string value describing the most recent error that occurred in relation to this object. |
ResetFont |
Notes: Resets the font of the object text on the diagram back to the model default. |
SetFontStyle(FontName, FontSize, Bold, Italic, Underline) |
Boolean Notes: Sets the font of the object text on the diagram to the specified values. |
SetStyleEx(string Parameter, string Value) |
Void Notes: Sets an individual parameter of the Style string. Parameters:
Update() |
Boolean Notes: Updates the current DiagramObject after modification or appending a new item If False is returned, check the GetLastError function for more information. |
Setting the Style
The Style attribute contains various settings that affect the appearance of a DiagramObject. However, it is not recommended to directly edit this attribute string. Instead, use either the SetStyleEx method or one of the individual DiagramObject attributes such as BackgroundColor, FontColor or BorderColor.
For example, the Style string might contain a series of values in a format such as:
- BCol = Background Color
- BFol = Font Color
- LCol = Line Color
- LWth = Line Width
The value assigned to each of the Style color properties is a decimal representation of the hex RGB value, where Red=FF, Green=FF00 and Blue=FF0000.
This code snippet shows how you might change the style settings for all of the objects in the current diagram, changing the background color to red (FF=255) and the font and line colors to yellow (FFFF=65535):
For Each aDiagObj In aDiag.DiagramObjects
aRepos.ReloadDiagram aDiagObj.DiagramID