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EA_OnInitializeTechnologies requests that an Add-In pass an MDG Technology to Enterprise Architect for loading.
This event occurs on Enterprise Architect startup. Return your technology XML to this function and Enterprise Architect loads and enables it.
Function EA_OnInitializeTechnologies (Repository As EA.Repository) As Object
The EA_OnInitializeTechnologies function syntax contains this parameter:
Parameter |
Type |
See also |
Repository |
EA.Repository Direction: IN Description: An EA.Repository object representing the currently open Enterprise Architect model. Poll its members to retrieve model data and user interface status information. |
Repository Class |
Return Value
Return the MDG Technology as a single XML string.
Public Function EA_OnInitializeTechnologies(ByVal Repository As EA.Repository) As Object
EA_OnInitializeTechnologies = My.Resources.MyTechnology
End Function