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SWOT Analysis

Enterprise Architect has a number of facilities that will assist the analyst and other stakeholders in performing a SWOT Analysis, regardless of the purpose or the level of the analysis. Each of the dimensions can be represented as a UML Class named appropriately, and notes added using a bulleted format to record the details. If a SWOT matrix is required it can be created using a Boundary with two vertical and two horizontal swimlanes. The SWOT Analysis can be generated out to a document to reach a wider audience if required or to comply with documentation standards.


Enterprise Architect has a convenient and flexible Boundary element that can be used to represent a SWOT Matrix. It is a rectangular element that can be configured to have a number of vertical and horizontal swimlanes that can be used to create the cells of the matrix. For example, the top left cell in the matrix could be used to define SO (Strengths Opportunities) strategies with the Strengths to the left and the Opportunities above.

Learn More: Boundary

Class Diagram

Each of the dimensions can be represented as a UML Class named appropriately, and notes added using a bulleted format to record the details. The basis for the SWOT Analysis could be represented using a Text element positioned in the middle of the four Classes. The elements' appearance could be changed to make the diagram more appealing.

See Also: Class Diagram

Element Appearance

The elements' appearance can be altered to make them more appealing to an audience of managers or non-technical stakeholders. This includes changing the elements' borders and fill colors and fonts to make them distinctive.

Learn More: Element Appearance

Element Discussions

Analysts and Stakeholders will often want to comment on or question the analysis being performed. The Element Discussion facility provides a perfect mechanism for conducting these conversations about Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The discussions are posted in a purpose built window and are kept separate from the notes and details of the element. This ensures that the SWOT Analysis is not 'polluted' with comments that are intended for modelers rather than other stakeholders. As the discussions are posted a summary window conveniently displays the latest entries across the entire repository.

Learn More: Element Discussions


The Document Generator can be used to create high quality corporate documentation using built-in templates or an analyst can define their own custom template. A html report can be created allowing click-through and drill-down. The SWOT Analysis diagram and the Classes representing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats can be included in the documentation.

Learn More: Documentation