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Modify Properties

When you create an element and connect it to another element, you usually have to define various characteristics of both the element and the connector to identify the purpose and function they represent. You do this using a 'Properties' dialog.

When you create elements, Enterprise Architect automatically names and numbers them by type - for example, Class1, Class2 - so you should at least change the 'Name' field to more easily identify each element. Enterprise Architect does not automatically name connectors, but for many connector types you should provide a name that describes the purpose of the connection.

Modify the characteristics of a model element or connector



See also



  • Double-click on an element or connector in the diagram
  • Right-click an element in the Project Browser and select the 'Properties' option, or
  • Right-click an element or connector in a diagram and select the 'Properties' option

The appropriate 'Properties' dialog displays.

Element Properties Dialog Connector Properties Dialog


Modify the element or connector characteristics as required.


Click on the OK button.

The 'Properties' dialog closes.

The modifications are saved; the diagrams that contain the element or connector are updated as necessary, as is the Project Browser.


  • Enterprise Architect is initially configured to display the 'Properties' dialog automatically when you create an element or connector, but it is easy (and often convenient) to turn the dialog display off
  • If the default display has been turned off, you can display the 'Properties' dialog by any of the methods listed in the table

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