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Editor Language Properties

Using the 'Editor Language Properties' dialog, you can specify syntax highlighting properties for any of the programming languages that Enterprise Architect supports at installation.


In the 'Preferences' dialog, select the 'Source Code Engineering | Code Editors' option and click on the button next to 'Syntax Highlighting Options'.


Start > Workspace > Preferences > Preferences > select 'Source Code Engineering | Code Editors' option > click on the button next to 'Syntax Highlighting Options'


In the Code Editor window, click on the toolbar icon | Syntax Highlighting Options




See also

Language Panel

The panel on the left of the dialog lists the languages for which you can set properties.

At the top of the list are three non-language options:

  • (Dark Theme) - assigns a dark background to the property fields and to the code panel in the code editor screen (you can apply a different color to specific properties)
  • (Light Theme) - assigns a pale background to the property fields and to the code panel in the code editor screen  (you can apply a different color to specific properties)
    You can also set the background themes on the 'Application Look' dialog
  • (Global) provides properties that you can set for all programming languages; however, you can reset a global property to a different value for a particular language, in the properties specifically for that language
    Resetting a global property for one language does not affect that property's value for the other languages

Click on the required language in the list, to display the properties for that language:

  • Properties shown in bold indicate that this is the highest level at which this property can be defined (for most language options other than 'Global', this is effectively the only point at which the property is defined)
  • Properties shown in normal font are generally the global properties that you can reset just for the current language
Visual Styles

Properties Panel

Scroll through the property categories and individual properties for the language. You can collapse and expand categories as necessary, using the expansion box next to the category name ().

When you click on a property name, an explanation of that property displays in the panel at the bottom right of the dialog.

To define a property, click on the value field following the property name; depending on the type of property, either the field is enabled for direct editing or a drop-down arrow or button displays (as described for the Tagged Values window) so that you can select the values to define the property.

Select or type in the required values.

Use the Toolbar icons to:

  • Save your changes to the properties
  • Reset all properties fields to the default settings shipped with Enterprise Architect
  • Reset the current style field to the default setting (not enabled for non-style fields)
Tagged Values

Assign Keys to Macros

In the 'Macros' category of the properties, you can assign (Ctrl+Alt+<n>) keystroke combinations to coding macros that you have created yourself in the 'Source Code Viewer'.

When you click on the Browse button in a selected 'Macro' field, the 'Open Macro' dialog displays; this dialog lists the existing macros and, if a key combination has been assigned to a macro, what that key combination is.

Click on the name of the macro and on the Open button to assign the selected keys to the macro.

Source Code Viewer


  • You cannot currently set properties for any additional languages you include through an MDG Technology
  • You can resize this dialog, if required

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