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Geospatial Modeling

The popularity of the internet, the ubiquitous mobile phone and the prevalence of location-based services have resulted in almost every one interacting with location-based information in some form in their daily lives. It has also become critical for governments and organizations to embrace this type of information as part of strategic decision making. Geospatial information can be modeled in Enterprise Architect and also integrated with other data to form a single and comprehensive view of information not possible in other tools.

Enterprise Architect, through the use of MDG Technologies, supports the Geography Markup Language (GML) application schemas and the modeling of ArcGIS geodatabases. The information precursors to these models, such as community conceptual models, can also be modeled and traceability can be used to connect the models together.

Modeling Tools



ArcGIS Profile

Enterprise Architect supports the design of geodatabases for the ArcGIS 10.0 suite of tools developed by Esri Inc.

Geography Markup Language

MDG Technology for GML is the implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium's Geography Markup Language (GML) 3.3 for Enterprise Architect, which provides an XML grammar for geographical feature modeling capabilities within Enterprise Architect