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MDG Link for DOORS
Welcome to the Model Driven Generator (MDG) Link™ for DOORS, which provides support for linking an Enterprise Architect model to an IBM® Rational® DOORS® requirements package.
The MDG Link for DOORS is useful when you need to perform the management of Requirements external to your Model Driven Development. Using this Add-in you can interchange requirements defined within IBM DOORS with the traceable Requirements used within Enterprise Architect's Requirements Management features.
The MDG Link for DOORS supports these features:
- Objects from IBM® Rational® DOORS®
- Object attributes from IBM® Rational® DOORS®
- Links between objects
- External links (attachments)
- Discussions
- Requirements and Use Cases
- Element properties and Tagged Values
- Connectors between elements
- Attachments
- Of IBM® Rational® DOORS® requirements and Enterprise Architect elements through import and export (or vice-versa)
Obtaining the MDG Link for DOORS
The Enterprise Architect Ultimate edition contains the MDG Link for DOORS as an integrated component.
For all Enterprise Architect editions other than Ultimate, you can purchase the MDG Link for DOORS separately and download the installer from the Sparx Systems website. The product pages provide:
- A product overview
- A video demonstration of the product
- Pricing and purchasing information
- System requirements for the product
- A trial version of the product to explore for 30 days
When you purchase the product, you will receive download and installation instructions by email.
Enable MDG Link for DOORS
When you have installed the MDG Link for DOORS, and before you can access its facilities, you must enable the product for use.
- In Enterprise Architect, select the 'Extend > Configure > Manage Add-Ins' ribbon option.
- Against the 'DoorsEASync' entry, select the 'Load on Startup' checkbox.
- Click on the .
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