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Re-Order Messages

When constructing your Communication diagram, it is frequently necessary to create or delete Message 'groups' and to re-order the sequence of Messages. There are two dialogs that help you perform these tasks: the 'Message Properties' dialog and the 'Sequence Communications' dialog.

Organize Message Groups

If you have several Messages in the form 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, for example, but would like to start a new numbering group on, say, the third Message (that is, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3), you can change a Message in the series to a Start Group message.




Double-click on a Message name.

The 'Message Properties' dialog displays.


To make the selected Message the start of a new group, select the 'Start New Group' checkbox.


If required, in the 'Notes' field, type an explanatory note.

You can format the text using the Notes toolbar at the top of the field.


Click on the OK button to save changes.

Sequence Messages

In larger and more complex diagrams, you might have to use deeper levels of Messages in a group; for example, 1, 1.2, 1.2.1, You might also have to change the sequence of Messages, making Message 1.3, for example, into Message 1.1.





  • Select the 'Layout > Diagram > Manage > Sequence Communication Messages' ribbon option
  • Right-click on the diagram background and select the 'Sequence Communication Messages' option or
  • Right-click on a Message and select the 'Sequence Communication Messages' option

The 'Communication Messages' dialog displays.


Click on the Message to adjust and, at the bottom of the dialog, click on the:

  • Move Up or Move Down (Hand) buttons to move the Message up or down the sequence (for example, Message 1.2 to Message 1.1 or 1.3)
  • Move Left or Move Right (Hand) buttons to move the Message up or down a level (for example, Message 1.2.1 to Message 1.2 or Message


Repeat step 2 until the Message sequence and levels match your requirements.

You might have to adjust other Message numbers (in group, sequence or level) to accommodate the changes you have made.


Click on the OK button to save changes.

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