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Systems Modeling Language (SysML)

To develop SysML models quickly and simply, you can use one of four versions of the MDG Technology for SysML, integrated with Enterprise Architect. The available versions correspond to SysML 1.1, SysML 1.2, SysML 1.3 and SysML 1.4.

This text is derived from the official OMG SysML site of the Object Management Group.

'The OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML™) is a general-purpose graphical modeling language for specifying, analyzing, designing, and verifying complex systems that may include hardware, software, information, personnel, procedures, and facilities. The language provides graphical representations with a semantic foundation for modeling system requirements, behavior, structure, and parametrics, which is used to integrate with other engineering analysis models. SysML was developed in response to requirements developed jointly by the OMG and the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) by the diverse group of tool vendors, end users, academia, and government representatives.'


On the Diagram Toolbox, click on the More tools button and select:

  • SysML 1.1
  • SysML 1.2
  • SysML 1.3  or
  • SysML 1.4


Design > Diagram > Toolbox

Keyboard Shortcuts


Example SysML Diagram

This is an example of a SysML Block diagram, which can also be found in the EAExample model under Systems Engineering > Listening Domain.

SysML Integration



See also

SysML In Enterprise Architect

The MDG Technology for SysML provides:

  • Each of the nine SysML diagram types, accessed through  the 'New Diagram' dialog
  • A collection of SysML pages in the Diagram Toolbox  that contain the SysML elements and relationships for each of the supported diagram types
  • SysML element and relationship entries in the 'Toolbox Shortcut Menu' and Quick Linker
  • Simulation of SysML Parametric diagrams, which supports engineering analysis of critical system parameters including the evaluation of key metrics such as performance, reliability and other physical characteristics
Add New Diagram Quick Linker Toolbox Shortcut Menu Simulate a SysML Model

SysML Toolboxes

The MDG Technology for SysML provides Diagram Toolbox pages that you can access through the More Tools button. If you enable SysML as the active technology, you can also open the SysML Toolbox pages by default.

These sets of Toolbox pages are available:

  • Activity contains the constructs required to construct SysML Activity models
  • Block Definition contains the constructs required to design SysML blocks, constraint blocks, data and value types
  • Interaction contains the constructs required to construct SysML interactions and Sequence diagrams
  • Internal Block contains the constructs required to design SysML block compositions within Internal Block Diagrams
  • Model Elements contains the constructs required to build SysML models, Package structures and views
  • Parametrics contains the constructs required to construct SysML Parametric Diagrams using constraint blocks
  • Requirements contains the constructs required to build SysML Requirements models
  • StateMachine contains the constructs required to build SysML StateMachines
  • Use Case contains the constructs required to build SysML Use Case models

With the 'Model Elements' pages there is a set of SysML Common elements and relationships; these are also provided with the other SysML Toolbox pages if the active technology is set on the Default Tools toolbar to SysML 1.1, SysML 1.2, SysML 1.3 or SysML 1.4.

SysML Activity Toolbox SysML Model Elements Toolbox SysML State Machine Toolbox SysML Requirements Toolbox SysML Use Case Toolbox SysML Interaction Toolbox Default Tools Toolbar SysML Internal Block Toolbox SysML Parametrics Toolbox SysML Block Definition Toolbox

Upgrade SysML Models

You can migrate a SysML model (or part of a model) to a later SysML version, using the Automation Interface.

Migrate SysML Model to Later SysML Version

Disable SysML

If you prefer not to use SysML in Enterprise Architect, you can disable it (and subsequently re-enable it) using the 'MDG Technologies' dialog ('Configure > Technology > Manage').

MDG Technologies


  • Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is provided with the Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect

Learn more