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Add Section Content

In the Document Template Designer, as you select the check boxes in the 'Sections' panel to report on the different objects and features of the model, pairs of highlighted tags are added to the 'Contents' panel. Many of these pairs of tags have a short instruction between them, as shown:

     sectionname >

     [right-click-to-insert-< objectname >-fields]

     < sectionname

Where the text message is shown, you can delete it and use the space between the tags to provide the content of the report, by:

  • Typing or pasting boiler-plate text that you want to include in your reports, and
  • Inserting fields that extract the values of specific characteristics and properties of the object



Publish > Documentation > Document Templates > Content


Resources window | Document Generation | User Templates : right-click on a template | Open > Content

Add information content to template



See also

Add text

Click in the space between the tags (or anywhere else in the template) and type or paste (Ctrl+V) the text you want to display in the report.

Highlight and right-click on text to format it, using the Document Editor commands.

Custom Template Design Options

Insert fields

Right-click in the area between the opening and closing tags, and select the 'Insert Field' option; this displays a context-sensitive list of fields to add to this section of the template.

Click on the name of the field you want to add. The Document Template Editor displays the field tag in the text space. For example:


When you generate a report from the template, the report generator replaces the field name with the actual value. You might need to type lead-in text and add spaces to support the field value, or use the fields in a table with row and column headings.

You can insert as many fields as you want from the list; you usually apply each field once, as the report generator applies the template instructions to each instance of the object.

Create Tables


  • As the model and linked document tags do not require fields, you cannot display the editor context menu between these tags
  • The child element, embedded element and child Package tags represent sections that can have defined fields, but these fields prevent the sections from replicating the structure of their parent element and Package sections; as it is preferable to use the parent structures, these tags do not prompt you to add fields with the [right-click-to-insert-<objectname>-fields] message, although the message is still applicable
  • If you select a field with short date format (such as Pkg.DateCreatedShort, Diagram.DateModifiedShort or Element.DateCreatedShort) the format is actually drawn from the MS Windows settings; to use a different short date format, click on the Start icon on the Windows desktop and select the 'Control Panel | Regional and Language Options | Customize' option

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