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Trigger Parameters

Trigger parameters are arguments passed into the simulation along with a trigger when it is fired. They allow for complex behavior to be specified decision to be made based on variables and data passed into a simulation at run-time by a fired trigger (event).





To use trigger parameters you:

  • First create a Signal element with the appropriate attributes that will become your parameters at run time
  • On a suitable transition in your diagram, create a trigger that is based on the signal created earlier
  • At run-time, will be prompted to enter suitable parameters - they are then passed in along with the trigger


A Signal element is a template or specification from which actual triggers can be built. This example has two arguments, a Name and a Password. These will be filled in at execution time either manually or as part of a pre-defined trigger set.

Trigger Parameters

The Trigger parameters 'prompt' that asks for suitable values for each parameter. Note that you need to enclose strings in double quotes, otherwise the interpreter will think you are referring to other variables.

Example Diagram

This is an example diagram that makes use of trigger parameters. At the Evaluate Login state, the simulation examines the variables passed in as trigger parameters and makes a decision to either accept the credentials or deny them.