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Interactions and Activities

The behavioral aspects of Interactions and Activities are modeled using the 'Behavior' tab of the element's 'Properties' dialog, on which you assign parameters and return types to the elements.


Select an Interaction or Activity element on a diagram or in the Project Browser, then display the 'Behavior' page of the element's 'Properties' dialog, using any of the methods outlined here.

On the 'Behavior' page of the dialog, click on the Edit Parameters button to edit the element's parameters. When you create a new parameter using the dialog, it internally creates an Activity Parameter Node for an Activity or an Interaction Parameter for an Interaction.

In the 'Return' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the return type of the element. Alternatively, click on the 'Select Behavior' button and use the 'Select Type' screen to locate the appropriate classifier.

The 'Specification' field is populated automatically when an operation is associated with the Activity as a behavior.


Design > Element > Manage > Properties > Behavior

Context Menu

Right-click on Activity element | Properties > Behavior

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+Enter > Behavior


Double-click on Element > Behavior

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