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Assign Multiple Resources

When you have a large unit of work associated with an element - such as a Package element - you might want to assign several resources to that element to perform that unit of work. You can assign each person individually, but if the resources have the same role or task you can assign all of them together in one operation, using the 'Assigned Resources' dialog.


First, select an element, then:


Construct > Task Management > Gantt > Element View > right-click on element > Assign Resource, or

Construct > Resource Allocation > : (to show List view) > Right-click > Add New

Assign multiple resources to an element



See also


(To assign a single resource, simply type in the name or click on the drop-down arrow and select the name from the list. In Project Management, it is simpler to assign single resources directly through the Resource Allocation window.)

For multiple resources, click on the button to display the 'Assign Resource' dialog.

  1. Select the checkbox against each resource to assign to the element; to select all resources listed, click on the Select All button.
  2. Click on the OK button to close the dialog and add the selected resources to the 'Resource' field.

The 'Resource' field now shows the selected resources, but grayed out. The drop-down arrow also is not active. To change the resources in the field, click on the button again and select/clear the appropriate checkboxes.

Resource Allocation

Role or Task


  • Type in the role name or task that is common to all the selected resources, or
  • Click on the drop-down arrow and click on the role that is common to all the resources

Start Date

This field defaults to today's date.

If you want to assign a different start date for the task:

  1. Click on the drop-down arrow.
  2. If necessary, click on the Left or Right Arrow to select the previous or next month.
  3. Click on the appropriate day of the month as the start date.

The field immediately changes to the selected date.

End Date

This field defaults to today's date.

If you want to assign a different end date for the task:

  1. Click on the drop-down arrow.
  2. If necessary, click on the Right Arrow to select the next month.
  3. Click on the appropriate day of the month as the end date.

The field immediately changes to the selected date.

Complete %

If the task is already in progress, type in the current percentage completion.

Expected Time

Type in the number of time units the task is expected to take. (The value must be an integer, so you cannot record part units.)

The unit of time you adopt is by agreement within the project, and depends on the granularity of the work being recorded. Most tasks are completed in a number of hours or a number of days; use the smallest practical unit that you can record as a whole number.

Apply the same units as used for the 'Allocated Time' and 'Time Expended' fields.

Allocated Time

Type in the number of time units the task can be spread over. (The value must be an integer, so you cannot record part units.)

The unit of time you adopt is by agreement within the project, and depends on the granularity of the work being recorded. Most tasks are completed in a number of hours or a number of days; use the smallest practical unit that you can record as a whole number.

Apply the same units as used for the 'Expected Time' and 'Time Expended' fields.

Time Expended

(When the task is eventually 100% complete, you will type in the number of time units it actually took. The value must be an integer, so you cannot record part units.)

The unit of time you adopt is by agreement within the project, and depends on the granularity of the work being recorded. Most tasks are completed in a number of hours or a number of days; use the smallest practical unit that you can record as a whole number.

Apply the same units as used for the 'Expected Time' and 'Allocated Time' fields.


Type (and, if you prefer, format) a description of the work being done by the resources (this text is also displayed in the Notes window, but it cannot be edited in that window).



(As the task progresses, you add text to this tab to record the activities, progress, problems and outcomes of the task. This text is also displayed in the Notes window, but it cannot be edited in that window.)


Click on this button to apply the changes to the currently-displayed element on a diagram, without closing the dialog.


Click on this button to clear the fields on the dialog so that you can define a new resource allocation.


Click on this button to display the previous resource record in the sequence.


Click on this button to display the next resource record in the sequence.


Click on this button to save the data you have entered, and close the dialog.


Click on this button to discard the data you have entered, and close the dialog.


Click on this button to display this Help topic.


  • When the resource details are displayed on the Project Gantt Chart or 'Project Management' dialog, each resource has their own record containing, initially, the same data; however, each resource can be monitored and their progress recorded separately
  • If you assign resources that are already in a multiple resource assignment to the selected element, a prompt displays for you to confirm that you are updating the assignment of that resource, or now omitting that resource from the current assignment

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