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Using the Specification Panel

The 'Specification' panel brings together a broad range of facilities that are commonly used in creating and reviewing specifications. There are facilities for managing change within your Specifications Package, such as Package Baselines and Auditing. There are also facilities for managing tasks and reviewing work associated with elements of the Specification Package, such as the Gantt Chart view and the Team Review facilities. Options available on this panel provide for configuring what information is displayed and how it is presented by the Specification Manager, such as restricting the display to a particular element type or specifying which element properties are displayed and the layout of that display. The Relationship Matrix and Traceability window for the selected Package are easily accessed from this panel, and there is easy access to management of Project Reference Data that is commonly used within the Specification Manager.

Available Facilities

The facilities and operations described in this section, in general apply only to the package that is currently displayed in the Specification Manager and elements contained within that package.



See also


Clicking on the drop-down arrow displays a list of commands for managing and working with aspects of the current package.

  • Open - browse the model's Package hierarchy to select a Package to display in the Specification Manager window
  • New - display the 'New Package' dialog; create a new Package as a child of the current package and open the new Package in the Specification Manager window
  • Find in Project Browser - locate the Specification Manager's current Package, in the Project Browser
  • Manage Baselines - display the 'Baselines' dialog, for creating, managing and restoring from baselines associated with the current Package
  • View Package as Gantt - open the Gantt View window to display tasks and work assignments associated with elements in the current Package
  • Auditing - use the Auditing window to explore additions, deletions and changes to the current Package
The Project Gantt View Manage Baselines Auditing The Specification Manager

Set Default Type

Display a list of options to select the default type for new elements created within the current package and optionally restrict the display of elements to those matching the chosen type

  • <Any> - allow creation of any type of element and display all element types
  • Other - choose an element type from a range of domain tool sets, that will be used as the default type when creating new elements in the current package
  • Recent - displays a list of recently selected default types for element creation and an option to clear that list

     -  <a list of recently selected element types> - choose one of the recently selected element types, to use as the default type when creating new elements in the current package

     -  Clear Recent Items - clear the list of recently used element types

  • Limit Display to Selected Type - restrict the display of elements in the Specification Manager window, to those matching the selected default type
Select Specification Type

Level Numbering

Clicking the drop-down arrow displays options for applying level numbering and indenting notes for elements contained within the current package.

  • Enable - toggle the display of automatically applied level numbering within the Specification Manager and the Project Browser, for elements within the currently displayed package
  • Indent Description - if you have enabled level numbering, this option is available to indent the element description under each element name, to align with the element name.
Package Options

Apply Auto Naming

Display the dialog 'Apply Auto Naming to Elements'. If you have set up auto-naming conventions for the names and/or Aliases of specific types of elements, you can apply those naming conventions to all of the elements of those types in the currently selected Package, in one operation. The dialog groups by type those elements that have defined auto-naming conventions, and shows the effects of applying the conventions to the element names and/or Aliases. You can update the names of all the elements in the Package, or select only certain elements to update. The facility for configuring auto-naming conventions can be accessed via this dialog.

Apply Auto Naming to Existing Elements

Show Columns

The Specification Manager can display a wide range of properties for the elements in the selected Specification Package, with each property being shown in a separate column. This command opens the 'Field Chooser' dialog, allowing you to customize the display of the columns so that you show as many or as few as you need, in an appropriate sequence.

Customize Columns

Tagged Value Column

Display the 'Add Tag Value Column' dialog. This dialog allows you to add a specific Tagged Value to the list of columns displayed by the Specification Manager. If the current element already has the named Tagged Value, the value can be edited, otherwise the Tagged Value must first be added to that element.

Customize Columns


Clicking on the drop-down arrow provides access to commands for setting up reference data that is commonly used when working with the Specification Manager.

  • Project Glossary - opens the Project Glossary view, from which you can edit and manage a list of dictionary terms relevant to the current model
  • Project Authors - opens the 'Project Authors' dialog; use this dialog to edit and manage the list of people set as Authors within the current model
  • Auto Names and Counters - opens the 'Auto Name Counters' dialog; use this dialog to configure automatic naming and counters for specific element types
  • Requirement Types - opens the 'General Types' dialog and displays the 'Requirement' page; use this dialog to edit and manage a list of requirement types defined for the current model
  • Tagged Value Types - opens the 'UML Types' dialog and displays the 'Tagged Value' page; use this dialog to edit and manage the list of Tagged Value types defined for the current model
Model Options

Team Review

Click on the drop-down arrow to reveal a number of commands relating to the Team Review facility.

Team Review provides a forum in which to discuss and review the development of your project. It acts as a repository for review documents generated from the Specification Manager, such as simple progress checklists, complex generated documents based on the content of the Specifications Package, and even discussion threads where team members can post questions and replies concerning different aspects of the project.

  • Open Team Review - displays the Team Review docked window, where you can explore, edit and manage a list of review documents, linked to various aspects of the current model
  • Create Review Document - choose from a list of template documents to create a review document, linked to current Package and add it to the Team Review for comment
  • Auto Generate Review - choose a generation template to automatically generate a Review Document from the current Package, as the basis of a Team Review session
  • Current Reviews - explore current reviews in the Team Review, that are linked to the current Package
  • Bind Package to Team Review Folder - choose a folder in the Team Review structure to bind to the current Package, allowing easy access from the Specification Manager, to Review items related to the current Package
  • Model Mail - open the Model Mail window to edit and manage model based mail messages
Team Review


Clicking on the drop-down arrow displays a number or commands that will open the Relationship Matrix window, allowing you to explore and refine dependencies and other relationships associated with elements of the current package.

  • Open as Source - open the Relationship Matrix window, with the current package specified as the Source package
  • Open as Target - open the Relationship Matrix window, with the current package specified as the Target package
  • Open as Both - open the Relationship Matrix window, with the current package specified as both the Source package and the Target package
  • Previous Settings - open the Relationship Matrix window using the same settings that were in effect when it was last open
  • Matrix Profiles - opens a sub-menu with commands to create new Matrix Profiles or load previously defined Matrix Profiles
         -  Create New - displays the 'Create Matrix Profile' dialog, where you can specify the name, source and target packages as well as other settings, to create and save a new Relationship Matrix profile
         -  <list of previously defined matrix profiles> - select and load a previously defined Relationship Matrix profile
The Relationships Window


Clicking on the drop-down arrow displays a list of commands for generating documentation and reports based on the current Package, in a range of different formats. Also available is a facility for spell-checking the notes of elements belonging to the current Package.

  • Generate Documentation (RTF / PDF / DOCX) - displays the 'Generate Document' dialog, where you can specify a range of parameters and options that control generation of a report document; you can select document templates that control which elements are included in the report, choose from a range of cover pages and style sheets, as well as specifying the file output path and file format
  • Publish as HTML - displays the 'Publish as HTML' dialog, from which you can create a report on the current Package, for display as a web page; the dialog allows you to specify a range of parameters and options to control the report generation, such as style templates, diagram themes, image formats as well as the output file path name
  • Publish as Joomla! Article - opens the 'Publish as Joomla! Article' dialog; use this dialog to specify connection details for the Joomla! database, the content template and diagram theme to use as well as which element information to include, then initiate the generation
  • CSV Import / Export - opens the 'CSV Import / Export' dialog from which you can import and export element data from Enterprise Architect using CSV files for exchange with spreadsheet tools; the 'CSV Import / Export' dialog allows you to define file specifications that control which element properties are exported and imported, as well as specifying the actual file to use for the export or import
  • QA Reports and Metrics - open the QA Reports window, which provides a number of pages, each of which provides facilities for reporting on a particular aspect of the elements in the current Package, namely Testing, Maintenance, Dependency Details, Implementation Details and Use Case Metrics; each page provides a particular set of parameters and options to control that type of report generation
  • Spell Check Current Package - display the 'Spell Check' dialog, which is used to run the spell checker to review the notes of all elements within the current Package
Publish as Joomla! Article CSV Import and Export System Documents Create a Web Page Report Using the Spell Checker Generate Documentation


Use this command to open the Traceability window, which allows you to quickly trace dependencies and other relationships of the currently selected element.

The Traceability Window