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Generating Sequence Diagrams

This topic describes what you might do with the recording of an execution analysis session.



Execute > Analyze > Recorder > Open Recorder




See also

Generate a diagram

Select the appropriate Package in the Project Browser, in which to store the Sequence diagram.

To create the diagram from all recorded sequences, either:

  • Click on the 'Recorder Menu' icon () in the Record & Analyze window toolbar, and select the 'Generate Sequence Diagram from Recording' option, or
  • Right-click on the body of the window and select the 'Generate Sequence Diagram' option

To create the diagram from a single sequence, either:

  • Click on the 'Recorder Menu' icon () in the Record & Analyze window toolbar, and select the 'Generate Sequence Diagram from Recording' option, or
  • Right-click on the sequence and select the 'Generate Diagram from Selected Sequence' option
The Recording History Working With Recording History Recorder Toolbar

Save a recorded sequence to an XML file

Click on the sequence, click on the 'Recorder Menu' icon () in the Record & Analyze window toolbar, and select the 'Save Sequence History to File' option.

Recorder Toolbar

Access an existing sequence XML file


  • Click on the in the Record & Analyze window toolbar, and select the 'Load Sequence History from File' option, or
  • Right-click on a blank area of the screen and click on the 'Load Sequence From File' option

The 'Windows Open' dialog displays, from which you select the file to open.

Use to

  • Generate a Sequence diagram from a recorded execution analysis session, for:
  • all recorded sequences or
  • a single sequence in the session
  • Save the recorded sequence to file
  • Retrieve the saved recording and load it into the Record & Analyze window