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Recorder Toolbar

You can access facilities for starting, stopping and moderating an execution analysis recording session through the Record & Analyze window toolbar.



Execute > Windows > Recorder > Open Recorder > Toolbar




See also

Display a menu of options for defining what the recording session operates on.

  • 'Attach to Process' - enabled even if no Analyzer Script exists, this option displays a dialog through which you select a process to record and a debugging platform to use; you can also optionally select a record marker set and/or a StateMachine to use during the recording
  • 'Generate Sequence Diagram from Recording' - generate a Sequence/State diagram from the Execution Analyzer trace
  • 'Generate Testpoint Diagram from History' - generate a Test Domain diagram from the Execution Analyzer trace, that can be used with the Testpoint facility
  • 'Generate Class Diagram from History' - generate a Collaboration Class diagram from the Execution Analyzer trace, depicting only those Classes and operations involved in the recorded action (use case)
  • 'Generate Call Graph from History' - generate a dynamic call graph from the recording history, as you might see in the VEA Profile workspace execution analysis layout; this can be more useful than the Sequence diagram in identifying the unique call stacks involved
  • 'Generate All' - generate the Sequence, Testpoint and Collaboration Class diagrams together from the Execution Analyzer trace
  • 'Save as Artifact' - create an Artifact element that contains the current recording history, under the currently-selected Package in the Project Browser; if you subsequently drag this Artifact element onto a Class diagram and double-click on it, the history recorded in the Artifact is copied back into the Record & Analyze window
  • 'Load Sequence History from file' - select an XML file from which to restore a previously-saved recording history
  • 'Save Sequence History to file' - save the recording history to an XML file
Testpoint Management Start Recording Recording Activity for a Class Artifact Workspace Layout and Tools Generating Sequence Diagrams Combine Testpoints

Select the recording stack depth for the marker set; that is, the number of frames from the point at which recording began.

Marker Types Control Stack Depth

Launch and record the application described in the script; you can optionally select a record marker set and/or a StateMachine to use during the recording.

The icon is enabled when the active Analyzer Script is configured for debugging.

Start Recording Recording Activity for a Class

Perform ad-hoc manual recording of the current thread during a debug session.

Use this function with the 'step' buttons of the debugger; each function that is called due to a step command is logged to the history window.

The icon is enabled if no recording is taking place and you are currently at a breakpoint (that is, debugging).

Perform ad-hoc auto-recording during a debug session.

When you click on this icon, the Analyzer begins recording and does not stop until either the program ends, you stop the debugger or you click on the Stop icon.

This icon is enabled if no recording is taking place and you are currently at a breakpoint (that is, debugging).

Step into a function, record the function call in the History window, and step back out.

Enabled for manual recording only.

Step Through Function Calls

Stop recording the execution trace.

Display the 'Synchronize Model' dialog through which you can synchronize the model with the code files generated during a Record Profile operation.