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Workflow Script Functions

Workflow scripts are created in the Scripting window, under the Workflow group type as VBScripts. They are executed by the Enterprise Architect workflow engine, to manage user input.

You can make use of a range of functions and data structures to develop your scripts.



Code > Tools > Scripting

Workflow functions and data structures



See also

Functions for User Input

These are functions that Enterprise Architect calls to validate and control user input.

For each of the functions that Enterprise Architect calls, a set of objects are filled.

Functions - Validate and Control User Input Filled Workflow Data Structures

Functions to create a Search

These are functions that Enterprise Architect calls to create a search with user tasks.

Functions - Create a Search With User Tasks

Workflow Data Structures Enterprise Architect fills

These are workflow data structure objects that Enterprise Architect fills.

Filled Workflow Data Structures

Workflow Data Structures you fill

These are Workflow data structure objects that you can fill.

Workflow Data Structures You Fill

Functions you call

These are functions that Enterprise Architect provides for you to call.

Functions You Call


  • If you make changes to a workflow script listed in the Scripting window, click on the Refresh Scripts button in the Scripting window toolbar to reload the script with the changes

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