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License Management

Each purchased version of Enterprise Architect requires a license, and tools to manage the licenses available for the product. There are two types of license available - Private Licenses, which are allocated to a named user, and Shared Licenses, which essentially provide a pool of floating licenses. After a purchased copy of Enterprise Architect has been installed, you will be required to enter either the license key provided at the time of purchase or a temporary shared key obtained from a central Keystore.

Enterprise Architect provides a licence management dialog through which you enter, view and maintain licence information, including upgrading the version of Enterprise Architect and registering Add-Ins.



Start > Help > Help > Register and Manage Your License Key(s)

License Management options



See also


This column lists the registration keys that you are currently using.

If the entry is an alphanumeric code, that is your private key that has been issued to you permanently. You register this key the first time you use the Sparx Systems product, using the Add Key button.

If the entry is 'Shared Key', it indicates that you have temporarily been allocated a shared or 'floating' key from the key store. When you log on to Enterprise Architect, a key is automatically issued to you (if one is available) from the key store. When you have finished your work session, the key will be returned to the key store for issue to another user. (Note that the Key Store might not have been configured to manage keys automatically, in which case you manually obtain a key when you open Enterprise Architect and, if you prefer, manually release the key before the 'lease' expiry - see Add Key and Release Key.)

Lease Expires

This column indicates when the 'lease' on the registration key you are using expires.

For a private key the value is 'Never', because the key has been permanently assigned to you and there is no 'leasing' involved.

For a shared key, the value is generally the day after the key was automatically issued to you at the start of a work session, but the Key Store Manager can set a different expiry period. In practice, the key is usually returned earlier to the keystore when you log out of the current work session.


This column identifies the Sparx Systems product that the registered key gives you access to.

Add Key

Display the 'Add Registration Key' dialog, which you can use to:

  • Register your new Enterprise Architect license key
  • Manually obtain a shared key from the Sparx Systems Key Store (available for version 4.51 and above); however, the Keystore Manager is normally configured to assign keys - if available - automatically when you log off
  • Add a new key to update to a higher version of Enterprise Architect or to register an Add-In
Register a Full License Register Add-In Add License Keys Upgrade an Existing License

Remove Key
Release Key

(For a Private Key) Make the Add-In or current version of Enterprise Architect inoperable, such as when you are upgrading to a more complex edition of Enterprise Architect.

(For a Shared Key) Release the key to the keystore; however, the Keystore Manager is normally configured to release keys automatically when you log off.

Copy button

Place the highlighted key into the clipboard.

Close button

Close the dialog.

Help button

Display this Help topic.

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