Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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Element Options in the Project Browser

The element context menu in the Project Browser is available for all types of element. It provides options for performing a wide range of operations on both individual elements and multiple elements, including adding element properties and features, and moving the element around the project or between projects.


Context Menu

Project Browser | Right-click on Element




See also


Select this option to access a list of enabled Technologies on the system (for example, ArcGIS or TOGAF), each of which provides options for performing technology-specific operations on the element.

This option is available in the Professional, Corporate and Extended editions of  Enterprise Architect.

Geodatabase Design for ArcGIS


Select this option to access a list of the scripts enabled for execution directly from the Project Browser.

(This option does not display if no Project Browser scripts exist for operating on elements)



Select this option to display the element 'Properties' dialog, to view and modify the element properties.

Properties Dialog

Properties Page

Select this option to display a list of the common tabs of the element 'Properties' dialog.

Select one of the options to open the 'Properties' dialog for the element, at the selected tab.

Linked Document

Select this option to create or edit a Linked Document (Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions).

Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+D

Linked Documents

Delete Linked Document

Select this option to delete the Linked Document attached to the selected element.

Generate Documentation

Select this option to generate a range of reports and other documents on the element.

Shortcut: F8

Document Reports


Select this option to apply or release a lock for editing the selected element.  (The option is displayed only when user security is enabled in User/Group locking mode)

Lock Model Elements

Apply/Release User Lock

Select this option to apply or release a user lock on the selected element.  (The option is displayed only when user security is enabled in 'Require User Lock to Edit' locking mode)

Apply a User Lock


Select this option to access a submenu of options for creating a child element and diagram (Classifier elements) or a connector to another element.

Add Sub-Menu


Select this option to display the 'Features' dialog at the 'Attributes' page, ready to create a new attribute.

Shortcut: F9

Create and Manage Attributes


Select this option to display the 'Features' dialog at the 'Operations' page, ready to create a new operation.

Shortcut: F10

Define Properties of Operations

Override Attribute Initializers

(For a Class element with attributes.) Select this option to pre-define initial values for attributes that can be used to override existing defaults.

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+R

Display Inherited Attributes


Select this option to access a menu of options for copying and moving the Package contents to other areas of the model.

Element Copy/Paste Submenu

Move Up

Select this option to move the element up in the list of elements within this Package.

Move Down

Select this option to move the element down in the list of elements within this Package.

Find in all Diagrams

Select this option to locate the element in all open diagrams.

This option also operates on Port and Part Property Type Classifiers.

Shortcut: Ctrl+U

Show Element Use

Locate in Current Diagram

Select this option to select the element in the currently-visible diagram.

If the element is not in the diagram, this option is grayed-out.

View Audit History

Select this option to open the Audit View to see a history of changes made to the selected element.

The Audit View

Code Engineering

Select this option to access a submenu of options to generate, view and synchronize code for the selected elements.

Element Code Engineering Menu

Execution Analyzer

Select this option to access a short menu of options for preparing an element for Execution Analysis. This option is not displayed for elements on which you cannot perform Execution Analysis.

Element Execution Analyzer Submenu

Rule Composer

For an Activity or Rule Task element, select this option to invoke the Rule Composer in Business Rule Modeling.

Compose Business Rules

Delete <element Name>

Select this option to delete the element.

A prompt displays for you to confirm the deletion.


Select this option to display the Help topic for the Project Browser.