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Format Text

When you create a document template or document, the default character or text styles are already defined, as they are derived directly from the Normal.rtf style template file. Within the document you can edit any of these character styles or apply individual formatting to text strings as you wish.

When you change the format of existing text, any new characters you type immediately after that text automatically assume the formatting characteristics you have applied.

Access Highlight the text to which to apply the format, then select options from the 'Font' panel of the 'Document-Edit' ribbon bar.

Text formatting options



See also

Apply character format

Highlight the text to which to apply the format, and use one or more of these menu options or key combinations.

From the 'Font' panel of the 'Document-Edit' ribbon, choose:

  •    or 'Font | Normal', or press Alt+0
  •    or 'Font | Bold', or press Ctrl+B
  •    or 'Font | Italic', or press Ctrl+I
  •    or 'Font | Underline', or press Ctrl+U
  • | 'Double Underline', or 'Font | Double Underline', or press Ctrl+D
  •    or 'Font | Subscript', or press Alt+5
  •    or 'Font | Superscript', or press Alt+4
  •    or 'Font | Strike', or press Alt+6 (puts a line through the text)
  • | 'Double Strike', or  'Font | Double Strike'
  • | lowercase
  • Font | All Caps
  • Font | Small Caps

To reset any character format, highlight the text and select the option or 'Font | Normal', or press Alt+0.

Change font typeface and point size

Highlight the text to change and select the required typeface from the 'Font' drop-down list in the 'Font' panel of the 'Document-Edit' ribbon bar. Select the required point size from the 'Size' drop-down list, beside the 'Font' list.

Alternatively, select the option 'Document-Edit > Font > Font > Fonts'. The 'Font Selection' dialog displays, from which you select the required typeface and point size. Click on the OK button.

Change character style

Highlight the text to change and select the required character style from the 'Style' drop-down list in the 'Font' panel of the 'Document-Edit' ribbon bar.

Alternatively, select the option 'Document-Edit > Font > Font > Style'.

The 'Select a Style' dialog displays, listing the currently-defined character styles in the template stylesheet. Select the required style and click on the OK button.

Styles, Special Text & Table of Contents

Change the color of text, background (permanent highlight) or underline

Highlight the text to change and select one or more of these options, as required:

  • Document-Edit > Font >
  • Document-Edit > Font >
  • Document-Edit > Font > > Underline Color

In each case, the 'Color' dialog displays, through which you can select or define the required color.

When you have selected a color, click on the OK button.

Change character spacing

Normal character spacing (the space between characters) is 20 twips; if you want to change this (or return to it), highlight the text to adjust, and select the option 'Document-Edit > Font > Font > Spacing'. The 'Character Spacing' dialog displays.

Select the radio button to expand or compress spacing, or to return to normal spacing; if you are changing from normal spacing, enter the number of twips to set the spacing to.

Click on the OK button.

Change horizontal scaling

Highlight the text to change and select the option 'Document-Edit > Font > Font > Horizontal Scaling'.

The 'Horizontal Character Scaling' dialog displays. Enter a percentage value for the amount of scaling required (valid values are 10 to 999 inclusive), then click on the OK button. The text (both characters and spaces) is scaled horizontally, by the specified amount.

Hide text

Hidden text is not displayed on the screen or printer, but remains in the document and is not deleted.

Highlight the text to hide and select the option 'Document-Edit > Font > Font > Hidden', or press Ctrl+H.

The highlighted text is not displayed and the rest of the text closes up.

To view hidden text, select the option 'Document-Edit > File > View > Hidden Text'; you can then make the text normal again by highlighting it and deselecting the option 'Document-Edit > Font > Font > Hidden'.

Editor Tool Display Options

Create a box around text

Highlight the text to box and select the 'Font | Boxed' menu option; this creates a broken-line border around the selected text.

Protect text

Highlight the line, block or section of text to be protected, and select the option 'Document-Edit > Font > Font > Protect'.

The selected text is displayed in a gray font, and cannot be edited.

To release the text for editing again, highlight it and reselect the option 'Document-Edit > Font > Font > Protect'.

You can select and release a portion of the protected text; the remainder stays protected.

Note: If the ribbon option is unavailable, or the text is not faded, it means that you have not removed the protection lock. (See Protect Document Contents.)

Protect Document Contents