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Quick Linker Example
If you want to create a Quick Linker definition, the easiest way is to set it up in a spreadsheet, with each menu item definition constructed across a row, as in this example:
The first row of the example is a comment line identifying the column headings. The subsequent lines define the connector/target element options for a Class element with the stereotype «quick». When a connector is dragged away from an element of this type, you want the user to create a Dependency either to or from a Component element. When they drag a connector onto an existing Port or Component element, you want a Dependency either to or from the Component or, in the case of a Component, you want the user to be able to create an embedded Port element.
These requirements are defined in eight records in the Quick Linker definition file:
- Dependency to new Component
- Dependency from new Component
- Dependency to existing Component
- Dependency from existing Component
- Dependency to existing Port
- Dependency from existing Port
- Dependency to existing Component, create new Port
- Dependency from existing Component, create new Port
The records save to this CSV file:
//Source Element Type,Source ST filter,Target Element Type,Target ST ,Diagram Filter,New Element Type,New Element ST,New Link Type,New Link ST,New Link Direction,New Link Caption,New Link + Element Caption,Create Link,Create Element,Disallow Self connector,Exclusive to ST Filter + No inherit from metatype,Menu Group,Complexity Level,Target Must Be Parent,Embed element,Precedes Separator LEAF,Precedes Separator GROUP,DUMMY COLUMN
Class,quick,,,,Component,,Dependency,,to,,Dependency to,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Component,0,,,,,
Class,quick,,,,Component,,Dependency,,from,,Dependency from,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Component,0,,,TRUE,,
Class,quick,Component,,,,,Dependency,,to,Dependency to,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,,,
Class,quick,Component,,,,,Dependency,,from,Dependency from,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,TRUE,,
Class,quick,Port,,,,,Dependency,,to,Dependency to,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,,,
Class,quick,Port,,,,,Dependency,,from,Dependency from,,TRUE,,TRUE,TRUE,,0,,,TRUE,,
Class,quick,Component,,,Port,,Dependency,,to,,Dependency to,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Port,0,,TRUE,,,
Class,quick,Component,,,Port,,Dependency,,from,,Dependency from,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,Port,0,,TRUE,TRUE,,
If you want to test the effect, you can create this Profile and cut and paste the CSV lines into the QuickLink Document Artifact element.
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