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The Schema Composer

A standards based approach for data definition and interoperability.

Model Transform Based Schema:

Define a wide variety of formal schema from models within Enterprise Architect and the Schema Composer, specifically designed for easy customization and reusability by leveraging the power of UML Structural Model Case diagrams.

Using Case diagram models as the common origin of information alleviates the complexity typically experienced when operating directly with a XML Schema Definition (XSD).

With this approach, the Schema Composer dispels with the requirement for using profiles or stereotyped elements when developing XSD and other documents, thereby minimizing errors, reducing development times and enhancing productivity.

Interoperability Realized:

In many cases, the Schema Composer is typically used to create message definitions, called schemas, that allow for the efficient and secure exchange of information between parties, compliant in structure and according to an standardized meta-model definition.

The increasing need of global messaging communications from a variety of jurisdictions and domains has been realized with the development of shared meta-models that support a standardized structure for systems communications.

Shared Standards:

Many industries over the last decade have developed shared meta-models, which now form the basis for contractual information sharing between organizations and across geographic borders via hetrogeneous information systems.

These models represent a significant investment by commercial and standards based organizations, who use Enterprise Architect to create the standards and for industry to effectively use those standards.

Meta Model Subsets:

The efficiency of cross domain messaging is underscored with the identification of only the elements that are required to accurately convey the information needed for that particular situation.

Standardized meta-models are developed to capture all possible instances that may need to be communicated within a specific domain of knowledge or industrial sector. This results in potential communication overheads being experienced by redundant information being used.

A powerful feature of the Schema Composer allows end users to pare down a larger meta model and create a sub-set of the original schema that maintains message integrity and also ensures efficient use communication resources.

Minimal Errors - Maximum Results:

Enterprise Architect's Schema Composer alleviates common issues that can occur when working with complex XSD models composed of specific XSD elements.

Adding to the complexity is the inclusion of related and referenced business and data models with their own restrictions and conditions.

The Schema Composer allows end users to not be distracted by XSD naming conventions and limitations to the use of XSD elements - standards and framework structures are automatically managed by the Schema Composer.

Generic Schema Composer Process

Create simple XSD and other schema formats from generic UML Classes...
useful when there is a need to export a class definition in a
generic manner for use with scripts or web based tools.

Getting started with the Schema Composer is as simple as importing your UML
Structural Model Case diagram, adding Classes and related attributes to the Schema,
then generating your XML Schema in your desired format.

Generic Schema Composer Process - Step 1: Model

Step 1: Model

Model your own data library using UML classes with attributes, associations, aggregation and inheritance.

You can then use this model as the input to the Schema Composer.

Next Step 1

Step 2: Create

Open the Schema Composer, create a new 'Generic' schema set with an apropriate name. Namespaces provide for uniquely named elements and attributes within the generated XML document.

Save as a Model Artifact, or typically within the File System for generic schema sets.

Generic Schema Composer Process - Step 2: Create
Next Step 2
Generic Schema Composer Process - Step 3: Build

Step 3: Build

Drag and drop your Class models onto the Schema Composer, attributes and their relative dependencies are automatically added.

Selecting class attributes builds up the schema, ready for the XML schema to be generated.

Next Step 3

Step 4: Generate

Generate your Schema Export by selecting the appropriate standards compliant technologies suitable for end use, or select the generic model subset option.

Generic Schema Composer Process - Step 4: Generate
Next Step 4
Generic Schema Composer Process - Step 5: View

Step 5: View

Locate the generated schema file (if generated as a file) and view with the Enterprise Architect Document Handler.

Your UML Class diagram models are now generated into a schema set.

Next Step 5

Step 6: Customize

Should you require modifications to the schema set, or require a different technology output, simply edit using the Schema Composer and generate an updated schema set.

The Schema Composer also supports several international standards and frameworks
that are central to building globally interconnected economies of the future.

Standards and Frameworks

Standards bodies use Enterprise Architect to create the standards that enable industry
best practice and in turn the Schema Composer allows industry to effectively
use those standards, without ever leaving Enterprise Architect.

National Information
Exchange Model (NIEM):

Including NIEM 3.1 modeled using NIEM-UML 1.1 and
earlier versions, NIEM subset creation and NIEM IEPDs.

Read More Here

Common Information
Model (CIM):

Schema Composer supports the CIM standard 'out of the box',
for composition of CIM compliant schema.

Read More Here

Core Component Technical
Specification (CCTS):

Specification published by UN/CEFACT (UPCC) and CCTS implementation published by OASIS (UBL) supported.

Read More Here

for Core Components (UPCC):

UML Frameworks support of UPCC 2.1 and 3.0 core
component libraries as well as business component libraries.

Read More Here

UN/CEFACT Modeling
Methodology (UMM):

UML Frameworks support of UMM 2.0 business
requirements, choreography and information views.

Read More Here

Universal Business
Language (UBL):

UBL 2.1 Main and Common Document Libraries supported, including Business Document and Component Composition.

Read More Here

Schema Composition via Add-ins or Scripts

Model your own data library using customized scripts to supplement standard functionality,
or use the Automation Interface to develop a Schema Composer Add-In.

Flexible Custom Scripting:

Use Javascript, VBScript or JScript via the integrated scripting engine to control Schema profile generation, enumeration and documentation formats.

Read More Here

Seamless Add-in Integration:

Enterprise Architect natively caters for the development of 3rd party Add-in integration, extending the Schema Composer's functionality.

Read More Here

Schema Output Formats

Generate the necessary output schema according to your required specifications,
utilizing universally recognized output standards such as XSD, RDFS and JSON.


XML Schema Definition (XSD):

Working with the XSD Profile through Enterprise Architect, you can rapidly model, forward engineer and reverse engineer XML Schema.

Quickly define and generate XSD and other schema using the Enterprise Architect Schema Composer.

Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS):

RDF Schema is a set of classes providing basic elements for the description of ontologies, which can be saved in a triplestore to reach them with the query language SPARQL.

Most of the RDFS components are included in the comprehensive Web Ontology Language (OWL).


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON):

JSON is a text format that is language independent but uses conventions common to C-family of languages, making JSON an ideal data-interchange language.

JSON is built on two structures - a collection of name/value pairs, or an ordered list of values.


Watch introductory video webinar recordings, read the step-by-step
instructional guides, easily search the online Enterprise Architect User Guide.
Visit the Sparx Community site and Forum for more.

Generic Schemas:

Create simple schema formats from generic UML Classes.

Standards and Frameworks:

Learn how standards and frameworks are supported.

  • National Information Exchange Model (NIEM): Read More
  • Common Information Model (CIM): Read More
  • Core Component Technical Specification (CCTS): Read More
  • Universal Business Language (UBL): Read More
  • Flexible Custom Scripting: Read More
  • Seamless Add-in Integration: Read More

Schema Output Formats:

Learn more about the supported output formats.

Help File Overview Pages:

Read up on common Schema Composer features.

  • Enterprise Architect's Model Wizard: Read More
  • Schema Engineering with Enterprise Architect: Read More
  • The Schema Composer - Overview: Read More
  • Create a Schema Profile: Read More

External Resources:

Other Resources:

Watch webinar recordings, join the Sparx Community, Technical Forum or attend User Groups events.

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