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Element Options in the Project Browser

The element context menu in the Project Browser is available for all types of element. It provides options for performing a wide range of operations on both individual elements and multiple elements, including adding element properties and features, and moving the element around the project or between projects.


Context Menu

Project Browser | Right-click on element

Options (Single element)



See also


Select this option to access two sets of functions:

  • Scripts - scripts created using the Scripting facility, to be executed on elements; click on a script name to execute it (this option is not shown if no appropriate scripts have been created)
  • Extensions - a list of the enabled technologies on the system, each of which provides options for performing technology-specific operations on the element; these options are available in the Professional, Corporate, Unified and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect
Extensions - MDG Technologies Scripts


Select this option to display a short menu of options to exchange electronic notes on the selected element with team colleagues, in the form of Reviews, Discussions and, if User Security is enabled, Chats and Model Mail messages.

Model Chat Informal Discussions Create a Message Formal Review Elements


Select this option to display the element 'Properties' sub-menu, to view and modify the element properties, notes, Tagged Values and Linked Document.

Properties Sub-Menu


Select this option to display a short submenu for managing Attributes and Operations (both via the Features window) and - for a Class element with attributes - to pre-define initial values for attributes that can be used to override existing defaults.

Shortcuts: F9 (Attributes)    F10 (Operations)   Ctrl+Shift+R  (Attribute Initializers)

Define Properties of Operations Display Inherited Attributes Create and Manage Attributes


Select this option to access a submenu of options for creating a child element and diagram (Classifier elements) or a connector to another element.

Add Sub-Menu


Select this option to access a menu of options for copying and moving the Package contents to other areas of the model.

Element Copy/Paste Submenu

Find in all Diagrams

Locates the element in any diagram that contains it. If the element is in a single diagram, the diagram displays. If the element is not in any diagram, or is in more than one diagram, the 'Element Usage' dialog displays. You can select the diagram containing the instance of the element you require.

This option also operates on Port and Part Property Type Classifiers.

Show Element Use

Locate in Current Diagram

Select this option to select the element in the currently-visible diagram.

If the element is not in the diagram, this option is grayed-out.


Select this option to apply or release a lock for editing the selected element. (The option is displayed only when user security is enabled in User/Group locking mode)

Lock Model Elements

View Audit History

Select this option to open the Audit View to see a history of changes made to the selected element.

The Audit View

Delete <element Name>

Select this option to delete the element.

A prompt displays for you to confirm the deletion.


Select this option to display the Help topic for the Project Browser.

Options (Multiple elements)



See also


Lists any scripts created using the Scripting facility, to be executed on multiple elements; click on a script name to execute it (this option is not shown if no appropriate scripts have been created).


This option displays if User Security is enabled on the model. It provides the single suboption 'Send Message', which displays the 'Create Message' dialog to create and send a message containing a hyperlink to each of the selected objects.

Create a Message

Print Diagram(s)

This option enables you to print the diagram or diagrams that contain the selected elements.

Generate Documentation

Select this option to display the 'Generate Documentation' dialog, through which you can generate a report on the selected elements.

Generate Documentation

Copy to Clipboard

Select this option to copy the selected elements to the clipboard. You select one of two sub options:

  • ID for Pasting as Link - copy the element IDs to the clipboard to be pasted into a diagram as links to the actual elements (Shortcut: Ctrl+C)
  • Full Structure for Duplication - copy the elements to the clipboard in XMI format, for pasting as new duplicate elements in another Package (Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+C)

Delete selected item(s)

Select this option to delete the selected group of objects from the Project Browser and the model. A prompt displays for you to select whether to delete each item in turn (click on the Yes button) or all items together (click on the Yes to All button).