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Selecting a Template
You use report templates to generate reports on your model that present specific information in a particular format, and to help you generate those reports repeatedly and consistently. You can select from a range of system templates on the Document Generator, to immediately generate reports from your model, or you can select custom templates designed by your project team members specifically for the purposes of your project.
A template principally defines the type of content of the report, so that if you generate a report, say, on a Package you will extract and present information on a specific set of structures such as:
- the elements and their features and connectors, or
- the elements at the top of the Package hierarchy, or
- all elements in the Package, or
- all elements in the diagrams whether they are in that Package or from other Packages
A template also presents the report information in a specific format and style, initially based on a set of standard styles. Your report designers can redefine the styles in a custom template to whatever extent they need, but it is better to select the alternative styles from a Stylesheet so that you can choose to apply that set of styles to a report or not, independent of which template you are using, as you need.
The initial range of system templates and Stylesheets give you a great deal of flexibility in quickly and easily determining the content and presentation of the reports you want to generate, and you can further increase this flexibility with additional templates and Stylesheets developed in-house, customized to the requirements of your organization.