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Specialize Ribbon

The 'Specialize' ribbon provides facilities to enable and access Add-Ins (extensions written in COM) and MDG Technologies that interact with the Enterprise Architect user interface to extend and specialize the product's capabilities.

When an Add-In is added to Enterprise Architect, either by inclusion with the installer or by subsequently importing into Enterprise Architect, it can be assigned to the particular area of functionality that it supports (using the EA_GetRibbonCategory function), and is represented by an icon in an 'Add-In' panel in the appropriate ribbon. Icons for unassigned Add-Ins are shown on this 'Specialize' ribbon, in the 'Add-Ins' panel.

The contents of this ribbon therefore depend on what Add-Ins and Technologies you have installed and enabled, and whether they have been assigned to a particular functional area of Enterprise Architect.




See also


The 'Tools' panel provides a collection of facilities to create and run automation scripts, and to access external data sources through the Cloud Server.

Tools Panel


This panel provides the icons for managing and publishing MDG Technologies in Enterprise Architect, and also an icon for each enabled MDG Technology available in your installation of Enterprise Architect.

Click on the 'Manage-Tech' icon to open the 'MDG Technologies' dialog. This dialog helps you to add and configure paths to additional technology files and to activate or deactivate the built-in technologies.

Click on the 'Publish-Tech' icon to access options for working with MDG Technologies in general.

Each Technology icon displays a drop-down list of options for working with the Technology.

Technologies Panel Manage MDG Technologies


This panel provides two icons for enabling and configuring Add-Ins:

  • Manage Addin - display the 'Manage Add-Ins' dialog, which you use to enable or disable Add-Ins for use; an Add-In that is disabled is not loaded when you start up Enterprise Architect, and no icon appears for it in the ribbons
  • Windows - display the Add-In window containing any window that has been defined to display in this space, for the currently active Add-In

If your system includes unassigned Add-Ins, an icon for each one is included in this panel.

Custom Docked Window Add-Ins Panel The Add-In Manager

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