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Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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Start Ribbon

The 'Start' ribbon provides a range of facilities for exploring, navigating and viewing the information in the repository. These include tools to navigate to items, to view the important events, messages, discussions and work that is relevant to a modeler on a given day, and to view and change your workspace settings, including styles and preferences. This ribbon also provides access to the Help facilities, including registering licence keys and checking for updates.

Part of the Start ribbon in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.




See also


You can use the 'Desktop' panel to access several collections of windows that provide information about the model and system activity. You can also define the look and feel of the application, setting preferences that change the style of the interface to suit the work role you are performing. You can define any number of workspace layouts and working sets, saving combinations and arrangements of windows that are specific to a role that ultimately increases your productivity as a modeler. There is a wide range of preferences you can set to tailor the way the application behaves under your login, including setting colors, fonts and diagram styles.

Desktop Panel


Enterprise Architect is a powerful collaboration platform and allows any number of people to work on models and diagrams at the same time, in a cooperative and team effort. The collaboration tools include Reviews and Discussions of elements, the Team Library, Model Mail - which contains messages from other modelers - the Project Calendar listing important events, the 'Journal' daily reminder facility, Gantt Charts listing work allocations and Kanban diagrams where tasks are presented.  The tools ensure that communication about the elements, diagrams, lists and matrices are available in the model and links can be created back to these items from the collaboration tools. The 'Collaborate' panel conveniently brings these tools together, ensuring that you are informed about what you need to attend to and made aware of information that is important to your role.

Collaborate Panel


The 'Help' panel provides access to the powerful Help system and to a wide range of on-line facilities to support your use of the tool, including the management of Licence Keys. The Help system contains both overviews of functional areas of the application and detailed topics on how to use specific tools, helping you to be highly productive. The Help is normally accessed as an on-line, web-based system, but you can select to download the file-based Help to provide a local Help system. You can also open the Learning Center library, which provides user-focused guidance for common tasks.

Help Panel

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