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Breakpoint and Marker Management

Breakpoints work in Enterprise Architect in the same way as in any other debugger. Markers are like breakpoints, but in Enterprise Architect they have special powers. You set any marker or breakpoint in the Source Code editor. They are visible in the left margin, and clicking in this margin will add a breakpoint at that line. Breakpoints and markers are interchangeable. You can change a breakpoint into a marker and vice versa using its 'Properties' dialog. Simply put, markers perform actions - such as recording execution and analysis - that breakpoints do not. The action of a breakpoint is always to stop the program. You can quickly view and edit a breakpoint or marker's properties using Ctrl+click either on its icon in the editor margin or in the Breakpoints and Markers window.

Breakpoints are maintained in sets. There is a default set for each model and each breakpoint typically resides there, but you can save the current breakpoint configuration as a named set, create a new set and switch between them. Breakpoint sets are shared; that is, they are available to the model community. The exception is the Default set which is a personal set allocated to each user of any model. It is private.



Execute > Windows > Breakpoints

Simulate >   Dynamic Simulation > Breakpoints

Breakpoint and Marker Options



See also

Delete a breakpoint or marker

To delete a specific breakpoint:

  • If the breakpoint is enabled, click on the red breakpoint circle in the left margin of the Source Code Editor, or
  • Right-click on the breakpoint or marker in the Source Code Editor, the Breakpoints folder or the Breakpoints & Markers window and select the 'Delete' option, or
  • Select the breakpoint in the 'Debug Breakpoints' tab and press the Delete key
Setting Code Breakpoints

Delete all breakpoints

Click on the Delete all breakpoints button (Simulation Delete All Breakpoints icon).

Breakpoint properties

In the Breakpoints window or code editor, use the marker's context menu to bring up the properties. Here you can change the marker type, add or modify constraints and enter trace statements. (Useful shortcut: hold the Ctrl key while clicking the marker, to quickly show its properties.)


Disable a breakpoint

Deselect the checkbox against the breakpoint or marker.

Enable a breakpoint or marker

Select the checkbox against the breakpoint or marker.

Disable all breakpoints

Click on the Disable All Breakpoints icon button

Enable all breakpoints

Click on the Enable all breakpoints button (Simulation Enable All Breakpoints icon).

Break when memory address is modified

Click on the Data breakpoint button (New icon).

Identify or change the marker set

Check the field in the Breakpoints & Events window toolbar.

If necessary, click on the drop down arrow and select a different marker set.

The Default set is normally used for debugging and is personal to your user ID; other marker sets are shared between all users within the model.

Working with Marker Sets

Change how breakpoints and markers are grouped on the Breakpoints & Events window

The breakpoints and markers can be grouped by Class or by code file. To group the items, click on the down arrow on the icon in the toolbar, and click on the appropriate option. If you do not want to group the items, click on the selected option to deselect it; the breakpoints and markers are then listed by line number.

Breakpoint States



See also

A Breakpoint used in UML Activity models in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Debug Running: Bound

Debug Not Running: Enabled

Debug Running: Disabled

Debug Not Running: Disabled

Debug Running: Not bound - this usually means that a module is yet to be loaded. Also, dlls are unloaded from time to time.

Debug Not Running: N/a

Debug Running: Failed - this means the debugger was unable to a match this line of code to an instruction in any of the loaded modules. Perhaps the source is from another project or the project configuration is out of date. Note, that if the module date is earlier than the breakpoint's source code date you will see a notification in the debugger window. The text is red in color so they will stand out. This is clear sign that the project requires building.

Debug Not Running: N/a

Failure to Bind Breakpoint

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